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Everything posted by myfs_110628

  1. Dear Masters I have been worrying about this for several months and would really appreciate your advice. I have selected and booked to fly and relocate (back to my country from Europe) on a generally auspicious date for travel and relocation - 27 Sep. However I discover much later that the next day clashes directly with my animal sign and age. Is it still auspicious for me to fly on the 27 Sep since my flight is at night and takes over 10 hours (running into the next day)? Should the duration of travel (activity) be within the day or only the start date matters? Also, may I know which is more important, choosing a generally auspicious date for the activity or one that does not clash with one's animal sign? Besides, the majority of the direction I travel from is auspicious but then I transit somewhere (and stop for about 3 hours) before flying from another inauspicious direction. Does it matter? Please, please help to reply me as I am worried the relocation may have a permanent effect. Thank you very much!!
  2. Dear Master Is it advisable to live in an apartment fully round in shape? Thank you!
  3. May I know is it advisable to live in a sum of ten apartment but with main door facing the breadwinner's death direction? What if it is a parent string house but main door still facing other unauspicious direction for the breadwinner? What if he uses another door (suitable for his KUA) to enter - would that reduce the auspicious effect of the apartment/house? Thank you for your advice.
  4. Dear Master Cecil Lee I was reading through the past articles in the forum and came upon this where it was advised to used bright lights against #5? I am afraid I don't understand as I thought bright light is considered strong yang and also fire element (which enhances #5)? Thank you! Dear Master Lee, Usually one would use metal (6-rod windchimes, 6-coins) to cure the #5 Earth star, but I came across a recent article that talks about curing the #5 Yellow using the balance of Yin and Yang. It says to put 8 white-colored stones (to represent 8 White star) in the sector of the #5. The idea is to have 8 Earth (Yin) to balance 5 Earth (Yang) and neutralize its bad effect. I would greatly appreciate your opinion on the effectiveness of this cure since this is my first time hearing using Yin/Yang to overcome bad stars. Warmest Regards, Nhan
  5. Dear Master Lee Thank you very much for your advice! I wonder what about the mountain star 8? Can I activate it with crystals (any type) since I am weak water? Will it destroy me instead because of too much earth element?
  6. White star 8 is of earth element. Unfortunately I am weak water. If I activate mountain star 8 (eg. water star 4 and base star 8) in west sector with crystals, will it be non-beneficial to me because of 2 8s of earth element?Also if 8 is a water star, can it beactivated since it is mountain in water?
  7. May I know how to decide between yin and yang cures eg. real moving water vs still water/deep blue decorative color/picture of waterfall? Is 6 metal coins tied together with a red string considered a yin cure? If I do not wish to activate water star 7 but need to reduce its effect, is it better to use a yin water cure?
  8. I stay in a rented flat located in the close vinicity of a hospital and faces a construction site across the road where there are numerous hollow metal beams (of a new building of slightly taller height under construction) pointing towards the main door (bright red in color). Just behind my flat (where my bedroom and living window are), there are two railway tracks (for the tube) and a big dead tree (it is winter) just after one of the tracks outside my bedroom window. Do I need to use a Bagua mirror at the top of the main door to reflect the Shar Chi (I don't wish any accident to occur on the opposite though) and hang 6 metal coins at the living or bedroom window? Or is there any other better way to minimize the negative effects. Changing flat unfortunately is not an option at all. Please advise. Thank you!
  9. Flying star element analysis example: If the north sector where the main door is has mountain star5, water star7 andmain star 2, how should onedetermine the cure? Will using a row of 6 metal coin (to exhaust 5 and 2) on the wall near to the main door work? Will it enhance water star 7 (metal element) instead?Oronlyusing moving water will activate the inauspicious water star 7? How to deal with the 7 (or 5&7, 2&7)?
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