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  1. Hi Mr. Lee, I am in need of your immediate advise! I am given the opportunity to move to another part of the samedivision within my company. It isn't a promotion. It isan opportunity to work inanother area of Technology practice (They are both consultative selling in the technology arena but one is alittle more product oriented) within the same division. Is it wise for me to make a lateral move in job positionsright now or do you advise me not to make any changes whatsoever in my position? Since thenew annual stars don't take affectuntil Feb 3, does this make any difference? My birthdate in solar date is August 13, 1967. I tried to find the information from the premium Ba Zi consultation you did for me but I couldn't find anything there that would help me with this question.Also, whatexactly is the definition of water element career?In the Ba Zi report, it was vague. I would really appreciate your help! Thanks very much for your reply in advance! Kindest regards, Olivia
  2. Mr. Lee, Thank you once again for the clarification! Have a great day! Best, Olivia
  3. Hi Mr. Lee, Happy New year (in western standards)! Would you kindly answer the following question: If one places the necessary cures/enhancements for the year based on the compass direction for the whole house, is it better to also place those cures and enhancements in each of the rooms as well (except for the kitchen and bathroom)? Thank you very much for your reply in advance! Olivia
  4. Mr. Lee, It really does help. Thank you very kindly again. Have a nice day! Olivia
  5. Mr. Lee, I'm so thankful for your response! Since my refrigerator is on the same side (two feet away) as my stove, where may I put the mirror? Do I still place the mirror on the refridgerator to reflect both the stove only or both the sink and the stove? Thank you once more for answering my question pertaining to this particular problem. Kindest regards, Olivia
  6. Edited by Robert: Please avoid posting duplicates or your message will probably not be answered due to being pushed lower into the message queue. Messages not yet answered are simply because we haven't yet got to it. Posting duplicates only waste our time and will not get your question answered quicker. Mr. Lee, Please help! I am moving into an apartment in which the stove is across from the sink. The front door and bedroom are in my favorable directions and I will also be sleeping with my head pointing in a good direction...but I'm worried about that the placement of my sink and stove will cause problems for me. Is it true that if I place something green in between them that it will help. What is your expert recommendation? Thank you so much for your reply! Olivia
  7. Thank you so very much for your reply! Kind regards, Olivia
  8. Mr. Lee, I am confused about with you compatibility chart. I am a Ram but also an East person whose Kua # is 9. In your service, your website states that I would be most compatible with someone whose sign isa Pig, Horse or a Rabbit...Well I'm starting to date someone who isa Horse sign but his kua # is 7 - west and I am east! Isn't this a direct conflict? How can such a relationship work? Please explain. Thank you. Olivia
  9. Dear Mr. Lee, Would you be kind enough to help me with the following? Myfavorable directions are East, SE and N. I need a garageand the only garage available right now is a garage facing East as I am drivingINTO the garage. By the way, does this mean it is WEST facing? Also, the Garage number is 4. In the U.S. it sounds similar to the chinese pronounciation, is this correct? Thank you for your reply in advance. Olivia
  10. Mr. Lee, What are your thoughts on monthly stars vs yearly stars, etc? The reason I ask is because another website states that for example, in the month of November, if you have a front door or office in the West sector,we should place a dragon or a metal wealth pot to enhance wealth/fame/recognition. Whereas, the #8 star is actuallyin the South sector this year.Can you explain this train of thought? Thank you, Olivia
  11. Mr. Lee, Is it bad to have a staircase indirectly facing you as you enter into an apartment? It's not in exact alignment to the door but a little off. Also, what does Feng Shui say about a place of residence on top of a single car garage? Thank you.
  12. Mr. Lee, On top top of this, do you provide a less expensive paid service (analysis)for people who are looking to move into an apartment on a temporary basis NOT to buy a house for long term? Thank you, Olivia
  13. Mr. Lee, Will it be possible to tell me if there are certain head board design types that are considered more auspicious than others? Can you share which of those are? Thank you, Olivia
  14. Dear Mr Lee, I wonder if you can help me with the following: I am in the process of looking for an apartment to rent. Which apartment years (construction year/year that the complex was built) am I compatible? My birthdate is 8/13/67.I know that the main door that is east or southwest is best suited for me based on the analysis you did for me. Am I compatible witha house built in 1949? How do I determine this since I am not looking to buy a house or condo at this point but just renting? Thank you very much in advance for your help! Olivia
  15. Hi., I just read your post. It's pretty evident that he's a quack. I noticed that there are many "masters" that are very money motivated...
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