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  1. Dear Master, We are siblings and will be moving to our new apartment soon. According to your 30-days Auspicious date, July 11 is Very Auspicious to me (Dog) but mix blessing to my brother (Rooster). Additionally, it is an Open Day according to 12 Officer Day. Pls advise should we proceed with this day or better to select another day? Thank you very much for your valuable advise. Anon
  2. Dear Master, My wife and I are of strong water and weak water. We are moving to a bedroom that has the stars of 8 7 1, located in the SE sector. May I know which color is the best for the this bedroom that can enhance the no. 8 mountain star without harming our elements? Also what is the binding color for us? Thank you and best regards, Anon
  3. Dear Master Cecil, Thanks again for the prompt and indepth reply. In that case, the no. 1 star that fly to the NW will affect my main door since it opens facing NW and not the 5 Yellow that flys to N eventhough my main door is located at N? Just to clarify and sorry for my inexperience. brgds
  4. Dear Master Cecil, It often is confusing regarding the affect of flying stars of any year on the main entrance direction and location. My house faces NW2 and the main entrance also faces NW2 (same wall) but located on the right side at the North sector. My questions are: 1) Is the main entrance affected by the flying stars residing in/coming from NW or N of any year? 2) If I tilt the door to N (my sheng chi direction), still as per answer for Q1 above? Thanks in advance.
  5. Dear Master, I used a new urn to pray during the recent chinese new year and replaced the old one on the altar with it. I would like to know what is the proper way to dispose of the old urn which I kept aside at the moment. Thank you
  6. Dear Master, I am living with my brother who is 1 years younger than me. Due to bad health I am not working and thus our livelihood depends on him. We will soon move to a new apartment with a missing corner East, facing NW. My question is: 1) Will the missing corner affect my younger brother's career? 2) What remedy can we use to overcome this? Thank you so much for your invaluable remedies. brgds
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