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Sorry, correction to my post below- I meant my "SouthEast" bedroom and not "East" bedroom. Thanks. Anonymous wrote: Dear Master Cecil, This month, the Monthly Star and the Yearly Star are the same -which resulted in my East bedroom Sector havingthree #6 stars ( Base, Year & Month stars) versus two bad stars #5 and #9 ( Mountain & Water stars).Do you thinkthe three big metal stars will bestrong enoughto overcome the #5 & #9 ? Eager to hear your analysis of this incidence. Thank you.
Dear Master Cecil, This month, the Monthly Star and the Yearly Star are the same -which resulted in my East bedroom Sector havingthree #6 stars ( Base, Year & Month stars) versus two bad stars #5 and #9 ( Mountain & Water stars).Do you thinkthe three big metal stars will bestrong enoughto overcome the #5 & #9 ? Eager to hear your analysis of this incidence. Thank you.
Dear Master Cecil, First I would like to thank you & Robert for providing the online free Monthly Auspicious Dates by Bazi ( ie. based on Birth date & time). Igenerated this report and had some observations that puzzles me. Hope you could help shed some light on this. Thank you. 1) why is it that a "Snake" Day ( EB Snake) is shown as "Auspicious" for a person who was born in the year of the Boar ? Some FengShui books listthe 6 Earthly Branch Clashes of which"Snake"vs "Boar" as one of the 6 clashes. Also, it is said that one should avoid selecting a day which is a "Personal Breaker" ie. earthly branch clash with one's Bazi Year Pillar. I'm quite confused by this. 2) why is it that a "Month Breaker Day" or a "Year Breaker Day" is shown as auspicious for a strong water boar person ? It is said that one should avoid all Beakers Days ? Eagerly looking forward to ur comments.
Dear Master Cecil, This year the 5 yellow Yearly star flew into the East Sector which is an occupied bedroom( A) . Does it help if the windows of this bedroom are kept closed except for the upper vent ? The bedroom door can be kept open during the day for better ventilation.The ideais that the #5 Qi would have to come through the East Sector windows ( btw these windows are SE facing). That is, can we manipulate such that Qi may circulate from the Living room( NE & Center)into the East Sector bedroom thru' thebedroom doorbut preventing the negative #5 Qi to enter from the East bedroom windows by closing these windows? Similarly, the adjacent bedroom (B)falls partially in the East Sector and partially the SE Sector. Would it work if I close the windows at the portion that falls under the East Sector( to stop the #5 from entering)but open the windows at the other end that falls into the SE Sector( allow #6 Qi in)based on the PIE chart ? I'm not sure whether this makes Fengshui sense .... would like to hear your valued opinion. Appreciate your time and thank you in advance.
Dear Lee SiFu, Thank you for your prompt reply. 1. Regarding the bench, we had it there few years ago before I knew anything about FengShui. It was placed there for conveniencefor one tosit downso as to be able to comfortablywear one's socks and tie shoe laces. Alsothe benchwas low andit never occurred to meas being obstructive. Now that I know its not good for Feng Shui I will try toconvince my family toget rid ofit ( they may think I'm being superstitious). 2. In your pt. 4. you mentioned : "As their picnic table is Thanks for the photo. These are some of the considerations: 1. Plus points: 1.1 Very spacious "entrance" lobby. Good for "bright hall" effect. 1.2 Fortunately, the fire escape staircase (on the right side of the photo) does not have any direct effect on your Feng Shui @ the main door. 2. Because of the large lobby area, and that even with their picnic table, looks quite neat. 3. In fact, when I first saw your bench, I was like erh.. But it is also relatively low. Usually it be best not to have such a bench facing your main door. But I personally feel no issue. By placing such a chair, symbolically you are limiting your space to that boundary. 4. As their picnic table is low height and a distance away, I feel it is no major issue, even if it is red. (other than if there are any flying star considerations, if any)" On 9/13/2010 6:40:25 PM, Anonymous wrote: Hello Lee SiFu,I live in a highrise HDB apartment. A few days ago my facing neighbour placed a red plastic table/4 stools set in the front area of their flat which is between my Main door and their Main door ( see photo attached of my Main/front door view). Does this pose a FengShui threat in the form of a Poison Arrow or other Negative forms, as it is directly in line with my Main/front door view ? What cure can I implement to counter this ?My Main door is in the NW Sector facing SW1. It is a NE1 house.Thank you in advance for your valued time/advice. Your expert view is very much appreciated.
Hello Lee SiFu, I live in a highrise HDB apartment. A few days ago my facing neighbour placed a red plastic table/4 stools set in the front area of their flat which is between my Main door and their Main door ( see photo attached of my Main/front door view). Does this pose a FengShui threat in the form of a Poison Arrow or other Negative forms, as it is directly in line with my Main/front door view ? What cure can I implement to counter this ? My Main door is in the NW Sector facing SW1. It is a NE1 house. Thank you in advance for your valued time/advice. Your expert view is very much appreciated.
Dear Master Cecil Lee, I've been following your forum for sometime and have learnt abit about Flying Stars and the five element remedies. Thanks for providing thishelpfulresource. But when it comes to actual application I'm not so sure and would like to have your valued opinion. Please bear with me and correct meif my understanding/questions was wrong/silly. Here goes : With the New Tiger Year 2010, 1) the Five yellow flew to the SW bedroomwith#7m, #7w,#4b natal stars. I used Yin water ( blue curtain) to counter the #7 stars. But with the arrival of the nasty #5 Year star, strong earth, I fearit might further strengthen the double #7s metal. My questionsare - will Yin water ( blue curtains) be sufficient to counter the strengthened #7s ? if not, what is the appropriate cure in this case ? - Are thetwo #7 metalsufficient to control the Five Yellow or do I still need to place metal remedy- like the 6 metal coins or a dumbell at that location. If so, wouldn't the metal "cure" for the #5 furtherstrengthen the #7smaking it worse ? - ultimately with such a combination of stars, the five element application becomes confusing ( at least to me).In such ascenario, what istheappropriate cure for both the #7s & #5. 2) the #7 Yearly star flew to the SE bedroom with #5m,#9w,#6b stars. Here both the #5m ( strong earth) and #6b ( weak metal) will strengthen the Yearly star #7. The dilemma here looks similar to 1) above. Will blue curtains be sufficient to control the muchenhanced#7 ? Is the (#6+#7) together strong enough to counter the (#9+#5 ) ? If not, would metal cure for (#9+5) adverselyfuel (#6+#7) causing #7 to be too strong ? By the way, this is a Period 7 HDB high floor apartment with an NE1 facing. I very much appreciate your time and effort to help enlighten amateurs like myself. Looking forward to your opinion and advice. Thanks alot in advance !
Hello Master Cecil Lee, First thank you for providing a free online tool on your websitefor generating personalAuspicious Dates. It's a good reference for personal auspicious datesin colourful detail showing the HS & EB and also some "remarks in red fonts". Other than knowing a certain day is Auspicious, Average or Inauspicious, I would like to understand the "remarks in red fonts": HS Bad Element 1 HS Bad Element 2 Punishment with Ox Year Self Punishment with Ox Year Harm EB Clash and any other usefulterms Would very much appreciate if you could help clarify/explain. Thank you !
Dear Master Cecil, Thank you for your views which are helpful. Regarding yourcomment in point 5 below, I would like to clarify the details: Cecil L. wrote: 5. Generally, based on your picture, the Shapes and forms is still sound. Whether good or bad to place a mirror depends on micro or even flying star feng shui to see if that sector is good or bad. the flying stars here are 3m-8b-2w as the entrance is in the NW Sector with the main door( and mirror on the wall) facing SW. So is it good or bad to have the mirrorhere ? I've heard from some friends that its taboo to have a mirror facing the Main door ? What's your views ? Thank you in advance for your time and patience.
DearMaster Cecil, Thank you for your insightful comments regarding poison arrows and walls at the front door of high rise apartments. This is very interesting ... Cecil L. wrote: Imagine if one is standing inside illustration called " UNIT 1". Standing inside the unit, you face a wall and the pedestal. Such walls are common in condos.. Only the pedestal.. one of a kind... seldom see this... feature... This leads me to think about my own case which is quite common in HDB apts as well, where the "wall" is on the INSIDE of the door ( see picture of door view looking in) instead of outside. The wall in this case is actually the wall of the store room( about 2meters from door). There is a decorative "wooden peranakan design" windowframing amirror on this wall facing the door. Is the wallvery bad as what you had mentioned in the above quoted post regarding walls on the outside ? what about the decorative window( framing mirror)? when we firstpurchased the aptyears ago I knew nothing about FengShui ... It'll be interesting to hear your views ... If so, what cures can we place to correctthe problem ? Looking forward to your views. Thank you !
Dear Master Cecil, My HDB apartment front door - looking out, one could see the right angled edge of the Electrical Riserat the side wall outside, on the left side of the door ( see attached picture). This front door is in the NW Sector facing SW. The apartment is facing NE1( above 9th floor). I suspect this is a poison arrow. What's your view ? If indeed it is a bad poison arrow, what's the best cure to counter the bad Sha Qi ? Would placing a pot of plant in front of the Riser edge be effective ? the right-angled edge stretches from floor to ceiling, I'm afraid the plant will not be able to cover the whole vertical edge from view? Or would hanging amulti-facet crystal ballat the top of the door on the outside work ? I would very much appreciate your comments and thank you in advance for your time.
Dear Master Cecil Lee, I've read quite alot of posts on Fengshui online and have learnt quite a bit about Flying Stars for home Feng Shui. However, I still have some doubts about the application in different element sectors. Hope you could answer these questions: 1) This year, the Annual Star #8 flew to my bed room whichfalls partially in SouthEast and partially East Sectors. I would like to activate this #8 for wealth and health but read that water features cannot be used in bedroom.What FS enhancement/placement can I do to activate this Annual#8. The other stars in the SoutEast/East Sectors of the bedroom are m5-b6-w9/m6-b5-w8 . 2) How to counter triple #7 stars in a bedroom(SW sector)which also have a #4 base star ? 3) I understand that it is not appropriate to place water feature to activate a base star#8 in a NW sector( main door in this sector facing SW) as water exhausts metal.Is this correct ? if I can't use water here, what's best for activation of the #8 here ?By the way, the other stars here are m3-w2-y1 Thanks. Would very much appreciate your comments/advice.
Dear Master Lee, Thank you for your prompt reply. Cecil L. wrote: 7. In my opinion, the two barrels aimed at Blk 736 is "quite far away" and as mentioned under Para 6, there is "moving water" (cars on the Pasir Ris Drive 10) helping or lessen the situation. This is not the worst "attack". Seems to be a "mild" one. 7.1 Whatwould bethe appropriate cure for this ? I read somewhere that Pakua mirror is usually used for Poison Arrow cures but in this case its the windows- I just thought Pakua mirror doesn't seem appropriate here .... Would appreciate your advice. Thanks ! 7.2 I've attached a photo shot of the actual window view of the said offending building structures which you described as like "barrel of a gun" when seen from the top view in theearlier Map Plan. You will see that in the actual window view, the said offendingstructures look very different from the top view. What'syour comments and advice to this ( pls see attached photo shot of window view). 7.3 Another factor is that my unit is at amuch higher level than the school building structures. Thanks !
Note: The extract of map is for Educational Purposes only: It is good that you had added the Source and Credit to the attached layout plan belonging to : Streetdirectory.com . As they are the acknowledged copyright holder of hte map. In case anyone objects we are happy to remove it, as soon as possible: our contact email: support@geomancy.netor contact: 6100-9600 Dear Master Lee, When I downloaded the map of buildings around my HDB unit, the top view of a school building diagonally opposite my unit, accross the road, seems to have shapes that look like "poison arrows". The "Poison arrow"is actually athinrectangular(top elevation)block structurehousing the staircase and landings of the school.Please see attached Plan. What's your view ? If indeed they're "Poison Arrows", what kind of cure(s) are appropriate ? I would very much appreciate your comments. Thanks!
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