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Everything posted by myfs_147846
Dear Master Lee 1. I've read in your previous reply that painting the ceiling in one go, doing a major renovation, lifting the roof and doing a majorcelebration qualifies the house to move to period 8. 2. My question is does painting the ceiling alone in one go (without doing a major celebration, renovation) qualifies the houseto move to period 8. And lastly what does it specifically means "painting the entire ceiling in one go"? does it have a time table to finish the entire painting job?what if the entire painting job without pause(including the exterior ceiling) will last for 3 week job will it still qualifies? Thank you in advance.
DearCecil Thank you for your honest and quick reply, the reasons I ask this question is that in the Flying star sample report found in your forum their are untimely star that needs to be weaken, in the proposed solution in each analysis it is mentioned what element you introduce to weaken a bad star combination, i.easide from the pendulum clock, 6 coins toweaken 5=earthI was thinking of colors of furnitures, closets, cabinets doors etc depending on the flying star that needs to be weaken or enhance. Thank you!
Dear Cecil First of all Im very grateful about this forum it helps a lot of people in applying traditional feng shui in our modern era. 1. My question goes this way -in feng shui the concept is the balance of the 5 elements and every element represents a color- i.e color black, grey represents water, white gold for metal, green for wood etc... 2. If a wall is painted with white it now represents metal element. 3. What if a wood furniture (pinewood, maple etc) is painted with Black does it now represents water element? does the natural color or composition of the material is now neglected due to fact that it is being painted Black. Example2: What if a Silver coin is being painted with red does this now represent a fire element neglecting the metal nature on it? Example 3: what if a water is taintedwith all red does it still be a water element or thereis a combination of fire and water element on it?. 4. Lastquestion Sir, doesan Element can be altered by simply changing its color? or the composition is the one were taking into consideration in which element does it belongs. Thank you.
Thanks foryour prompt reply, in your points of view as a feng shui specialistfor period 8 flying star considering the same location, environment etc. a house facing S1 or a house facing S2? Thanks in advance.
Dear Mr. Cecil A House and its Main Door Facing 166 Degrees (S1), my question is if the Main Door is being tilted8 Degrees making the Main Door 174 Degrees (Now Facing S2) and thehouse faces the same direction (166Deg,S1), can this be consider a House Facing S2(174deg) or will it remain facing S1 because the facing direction of the house is still the same. Thank you. Regards, Raymund
Dear Mr. Cecil Since a mountain or a building at the back of the house symbolizes a Tortoise,what if there is no mountain or tall structures at the back of the house does a high fence can be substitute? And is placing a turtle statue at the back of the house is auspicous or just a mere decoration? Hope you can shed a light on this. Tnx
Hi Master 1. Im justcurious about floor tiles colored White, reddish white and off-white is an auspicious color in FS? what are the auspicious color floor tiles color in FS? 2. Lastly does Black colored fence auspicious? and having a Black & White colored combination of the Main gate is also auspicious? PS-I've learned a lot from this site, and Im loving it..Thanks
Dear Master I would like to ask with regards to the auspicious Ceiling height for a 2 Storey house. A. Ground Floor: 3.00 meters (from floor to plywood ceiling). B. 2nd level: 2.90 meters (from floor to plywood ceiling). Are the measure for the ceiling height above are auspicious?
big thanks!
Dear Sir If you may can you pls tell us the auspicous Measurement range sizes of - 1. Auspicious Windows and door sizein a regular 4x4meter room. 2. Auspicious width size of a staircase for a regular 2storey house. Thanks
Hi Mr. Cecil Some other people say that ifa house or a roomnot being occupied for while or an area of a house is not being occupied this can attract Spirits, is this true? and if it is how can we cure it? or prevent spirits from coming in even though it is not occupied. Thanks in advance.
Hi Master DOB: 25 Sept 1980 @ around 3am (Metal monkey, kua number: 2 earth, strong metal person). Eight house chart:Suitable for SouthWestHouse.but living in a southeast house Status: Breadwinner of the family. These are my questions, hope you canuntangled the confusion in my mind... 1. According to the EightHouseI'm suitable for aSouthWestHouse but my house is Southeast (wherethe front door facesSoutheast), which 8 house theory to followSouthwest or Southeast? 2. If Im to follow the Southwest house, the NORTH (Death) ismy Masters Bedroom, and the SOUTHEAST (Spook) is myMain door. Canyou pleasetell me your expert adviseabout this. 3. If Im to follow the Southeast housethe NORTH (Prosperity) is my Masters Bedroom, NW (Disaster) is my Toilet, NE (Death) is theStairs, and of course SEis the location of my Main Door. Can you please tell me your expert advise about this. 4. Even though I'm aSouthwest person since I'm living in a Southeasthouse doesit mean that I will follow thesector of a Southeast House? Please explain to me in detail with regards to this matter and cure for it. Thankyou so so much.
Dear Master Lee I've read several feng shui websites including this forum that Main door facing directly to the stairs is inauspicious due to fact that Chi will not settle down it will rush up immediatly upstairs. My question is how about the Garage Door (Not the Main Door) facing directly to the Stairs, is this consider also inauspicoius? Hope for your generous advise and explaination. Pls find Attachment. Thank you. :-)
Dear Master 1. I am confused with the 8 house theory explation in your website a House Facing SE these is how it is being explained N=Prosperity NE=Death E=Longetivity SE=Excellent S=Health SW=Spook W=Irriation NW=Disaster From the other books I've read a House Facing SE (sitting NW) they are N=Six killings NE=Heavenly Doctor E=5 Ghost SE=Mishaps S=Life threatening SW=Longetivity W=Life generating NW=stability Master which is which because if you compare it side by side some of them are contradicting to each other. 2. Last Question according to my date of birth I am suitable for a SW facing house but I'm leaving in a SE facing house, is this still acceptable? Thank you for your time in reading this letter.
Master What is the cure of sharp wall edges in the house also known as poison arrows, I've read in other feng shui books that placing crystal or placing a plant in the direction where the poison arrow points cures the problem, is this True? pls help. Thank you..
Dear Master A house with 2 doors one is the main door and the other is the garage door going to the kitchen. My question is that what is the effect of placing auspiciousanimals such as fu dogs, dragon etc. in the garage door aside from the main entrance door, does this develop more protection in the house? note:the house is located near a street.
Hello Master Just like to ask regarding for the cure in the auspicious & inauspicious section of my house according to Eight house theory, House is facing SE2 and the house sectors are - Inauspiscious: SE (Mishaps) = FOYER E (Five ghost) = HALF OF THE STAIRCASE AND HALF OF THE FOYER. S (Life threatening)=LIVING ROOM. N (Six Killings) = MASTER'S BEDROOM Auspiscious: NE (Heavenly Doctors) = STAIRCASE SW (Longetivity) = KITCHEN NW (Stability) = TOILET W (life generating) = LAUNDRY ROOM Master pls explain to me the inauspiscious sectors and how to minimize the effect. And how aboutthe auspicious sector will it still be auspicious considering the toilet, kitchen and laundry are located? And last the Master's bedroom is located in the North, will this still be ideal for occupancy? Very needful for your advice. Thank you.
Thank you for advice and time master cecil and sorry for the faint scan... :-) Regards, Ray
Dear Master Cecil 1. I have a 2 storey house and above the garage isan open terrace, and most sites I've read about feng shui is that the garage is not included in the house does it also mean not to include the open terrace when locating the center?, Can you please locate the center of the House for the 1st and 2nd Level (Im am really confuse about it). 2. With this floor plan were is the best place to place an Altar, Paintings, Water fountain & Aquarium etc. Hoping your kind Reply
Thank you so much!
Dear Master Cecil Just have a question regarding color combination in Feng Shui (house Sits NorthWest), they are 1. Is red roof good or bad in feng shui? 2. If you use red as the color of your roof what would be the best exterior and interior color of the house? what is the best color of the ceiling if your roof is color red. 3. Is brown or black can be used for the color of the moding with white exterior wall? Thanks a lot and hoping for your reply.
Hello Master Cecil, is it true that placing plants on the missing part of the house the cure?placing mirror on the side of the irregular shape also cure?and lastly is it true that placing a light in the missing part is also a cure? so how often you turn on the light during the night time only or keep it on for 24hrs? Thanks a lot.
Respected Sir I just finished building a housefew months back, I've been searching the net and learning about Feng shui aftersometime to my surprise I found out that irregular house shape is bad a in feng shui perspective, I keep searching the net endlessly and cannot findan accurateanswer or remedy for irregular shape of the house, below is the ground floorschematic of the house and I hope you will enlightened me with advise and remedies with this irregularities. And were can we find the the private consulation in your website? I'm interested about it. Tnx Anonymous
Respected Sir I have read several bad feng shui with regards to the Main door aligning with the stair and the toilet facing the kitchen, but my questions is most likely the same and here they are 1. The Main door is not aligning with the stairs but is facing the side staircase that is going up to the 2nd level, Is this a bad fueng shui? (pls see attachment) 2. The toilet door beside the guess room is facing the dinning area, is this a bad feung shui? (pls see attachment) Eager for your Reply Sincerly, Ray
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