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Ba Zi Life Reading Services

Ba Zi Life Reading Services



WHATSAPPx.gif.933b1f171b62310142ae17b5501fc685.gif Robert Lee, +65 9835-5734 / support@geomancy.net

Sample Report (Concise Expert Review Reports)

Ba Zi Expert Review - Demo

Ba Zi Yearly Forecast with Auspicious Date (List Format) for 3 years (ie 2020/2021/2022) - Demo

Ba Zi Yearly Forecast with Auspicious Date (Calendar Format) for 3 years (ie 2020/2021/2022) - Demo


Sample Reports (Plus detailed online reports at Online.Geomancy.Net available to you while you wait for the expert review)

Ba Zi Premium Full Reference Report v16.x - Demo

Ba Zi Premium Forecast Report v16.x (to view any 10-yearly period and yearly forecast) - Demo


Read about what a client said about our Yearly Ba Zi Forecast and Auspicious Dates Report


Learn more about our Ba Zi 

URL: https://www.geomancy.net/content/products-services/ba-zi-analysis/ba-zi-life-reading-service

Or from our Ba Zi Life Reading Blog:-



Try our our Free Ba Zi Report:-

URL: http://freebazi.geomancy.net/

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