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Feng shui on a limited budget


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I have been researching and practicing feng shui concepts for several months now. I have been in my townhome apartment for less than 4 months and would like to increase my wealth. But how do I do that if I don't have the money to perform some of the remedies that are often mentioned in the books? I have yet to find any book or advisor address feng shui for people who don't have the money to buy mirrors, plants, chimes or paint walls, etc...
I want to increase my wealth, but I don't have the money yet make these kinds of changes in my home that will bring in more money.
Can you help?

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Dear Anon,
You don't need any money for using cures in traditional feng shui. What you have been reading about is BTB feng shui and it does not work. Trust me I am talking from personal
experience. Don't waste your money on BTB cures. Instead apply the pillar of destiny, 8 house theory and flying star and shape and form and it will help you to achieve balance in all area of your life. Instead of focusing all your energy on wealth
why don't you concentrate on health and peace of mind. Since if one does not have health and peace of mind one cant earn or enjoy the wealth.
You can ask cecil or robert lee to help you. They have helped many people (who were in financial trouble) with wonderful results. And wish you luck with your quest.
another anon

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