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New! My FengShui 4.10.00 released!


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Dear Users,
We would like to inform you of a new and improved My FengShui site!
Since our major hardware upgrade in Jan-Feb 2000, we have been busy upgrading all the various parts of the site (My FengShui, My Resources, My Adviser etc).
Finally, it My FengShui's turn for the upgrade.
My FengShui has undergone its 4th major revision since it was launch in 1998 (without a management system).
It has grown significantly just like the main Geomancy.Net with now a large variety of comprehensive reports to help you improve your life.
Due to the complexity of the site and the many additions to the site along the way, it is now time for a new revision:-
This revision includes:-
- Improved navigational interface
- Forgot Password option
- Improved layout
- Improved management for creating, editing and deleting all profiles.
- Improved report selection and generation (one clean and easy page)
- Clean up on many backend modules added through the development of this site.
- Improved template and management system for easy updates
- Improved and revised reports
What is more important is that we have also taken the time to review and update many of the reports for free, members and paid.
Some notable report changes include:-
1. Eight House
Added Kua Number, Kua Element, Element Group and several explanations.
2. Flying Star House Number
Added Five element analysis to bring it to a more detailed level of analysis.
3. Family Audit
Added the Flying Star Chart, Sector details and general analysis to the free and member version.
Many other reports has many revision in the layout of details etc. There are more reports updates coming soon. Some more enhancements are being reviewed and improved at this time (but not ready for launch).
In addition, for webmasters interested in adding a customised version of My FengShui (with a separate database hosted by us) to their site, can now approach us for some partner/joint venture. Please e-mail robert-lee@geomancy.net for more details
We have made more than 10-20 revisions on the various parts of our site since its launch. Users who have been with us have seen us our site change as we grow.
It was an extremely difficult task to find a layout and navigational system that can handle the size of our site. But from the many favourable feedback we had, we know that you like this latest re-vamp of the site.
So this look and feel is set to say for an extremely long time.
This will now allow us to focus our time on providing more online tools, site content & resources and etc without having to worry about how to put them forward to you.
So remember to keep yourself in touch with out site, by signing up for the mailing list (found at all parts of the site) or simply joining this forum.
You will be seeing many more fantastic additions to the site:)
Warmest Regards
Robert & Cecil
Center for Applied Feng Shui

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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