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Books on Flying Stars

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Dear Robert & Cecil,
I am reading Lillian Too's Flying Star FS. I've been do so for the past three days and I am still stuck on the first chapter. With all due respect to Lillian too, either this book is too advanced for me or my brains are not functioning well these days.
My question is does your course cover the flying star method in details. Will I be able to analyze a site based on this theory after I take the course.
Thank you

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Dear Cecil & Robert,
I am also reading the same book by Lillian. There is something that really troubled me:
She emphasized in her book (pg. 112) that the correct way to analyze the interactions of the stars is to examine the relationship of "each of the secondary star numerals with the main numerals first" before examining the relationship of the "secondary stars with each other." Is that right?
Thank you and best regards,

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Dear Luna,
I sympathise with you. Amongst the books written by Lillian Too, the is one
of the " hardest " to understand.
In my personal opinion, she is a better writer of " Shapes and Form School "
as I believe, she is more a "Right Brain person" or YIN and does better with
illustrations combined with words. As mentioned, this is based on my
personal opinion only.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 10:05 PM
Subject: Flying Stars Book/Course

From: "Luna Ghobar"
This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
Dear Robert & Cecil,
I am reading Lillian Too's Flying Star FS. I've been do so for the past
three days and I am still stuck on the first chapter. With all due respect
to Lillian too, either this book is too advanced for me or my brains are not
functioning well these days.
My question is does your course cover the flying star method in details.
Will I be able to analyze a site based on this theory after I take the



Thank you
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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Dear Luna,
--Quoting Luna--

My question is does your course cover the flying star method in details.
Will I be able to analyze a site based on this theory after I take the

We will try our best to make the course easy to understand.
Yes, you will be able to analyze a site based on this theory.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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Dear Rose,
Please read below:-
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 10:24 PM
Subject: Flying Stars Book/Course

From: "Rose Say"
This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
Dear Cecil & Robert,
I am also reading the same book by Lillian. There is something that really
troubled me:
She emphasized in her book (pg. 112) that the correct way to analyze the
interactions of the stars is to examine the relationship of "each of the
secondary star numerals with the main numerals first" before examining the
relationship of the "secondary stars with each other." Is that right?

Actually, that is one of the rule set. However, many other books like myself
finds that the two stars interaction is very important. It oftens tells you
the type of problem that would occur from the interactions. The two stars,
one being mountain star and the other being water star, are the essence of
the flying star. They are the stars which moves around creating a different
influence each time they come together.
That is why it is more important to look at the two stars, then relate it
with the main star for (Triple Combination). This often results in the stars
either neutralising each other creating a balance.
However, the analysis the each star to the main star is another area of
looking at the flying star, it does give another type of explanation, which
I have yet to include in the current version of the Flying Star.
Thus, you can see, Flying Star is a powerful theory, but there are lots to
it, and it is pretty complex.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Thank you and best regards,

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