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Color for bedroom


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Dear Colleen,
1. For questions such as what colour should my bedroom be or what colours suits me you should make use of the your Personal Element Free report to determine your personal element.
Eg. weak wood
Would mean that your favourable elements are water & wood.
Water => blue, black, gray
Wood => green, brown
So generally you can make use of these as your favourable colours.
2. For painting colours in a house. Generally, our advice is to leave it white (as it represents metal which is the most common cure for most problem).
However, other colours are off-white colours which will make the house bright. Do not use dark colours eg. dark red, dark blue, instead use light shades of red and blue etc.
This will brighten up the room.
3. If you are the only one in the bedroom then you should use your most favourable colours eg. weak wood -> light blue.
4. If you are sharing the room with another person, please use the Comparision report in the My FengShui section to determine your binding element (for most compatible people, there will only be 1 element.
eg. weak water and strong metal
The binding element would be water. So it will be good for both people to use shades of blue, black, gray.
For less compatible combinations, two elements might appear so you have to use a little of these two combinations or leave the bedroom white (neutral) colour.
Hope that helps.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 4/26/01 2:46:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
NOTE: to all users, please do
NOT post such one topic
question, without any body

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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