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Search Website & Major FS Theories Resources

Robert Lee

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Dear Users,
We have made several improvements to two key areas of the website:-
As our resources and website is growing, there is a need to have a larger, and faster searching, and a more fully featured search engine to cater to the needs of this website.
So we have added a higly scalable DATABASE Search Engine which will be able to search through the entire website very quickly and accurately. It also comes with several features that will make your searching more accurate and faster.
Currently this search only searches ALL PUBLIC pages hosted on our external webpage. It does not integrate a search into the Forum messages or Picture messages or other seach components on the website.
In the near future, we will make it in such a way that it will be able to link all the search components together as that feature is still in BETA development and thus we have decided not to release it until it is ready.
We have been going through our resource website and have been re-ogranising it a little so that it is easier for you to find and learn the Ancient Art of Feng Shui.
We have put together a Major Feng Shui Theories resources so that it focuses on grouping all resources pertaining to that topic into a central location. (Some parts of that website is still under construction but we will expect to see a lot more resources added in the coming weeks).
That portion of the website will deal with each theory (ie shapes & form, eight house, flying star, pillars of destiny etc as individual theories and thus all and any related resources in the future will be added to that section).
We have added two other key address focusing on student@geomancy.net for a personalised one-to-one e-mail clarification for any questions on course materials. As well as a new events@geomancy.net to allow people to contact us for Feng Shui Events related topics that we organise in the future.
We are also working on an IMPROVED Fun with Feng Shui website with many revisions to graphics to update the graphics so that they all use the Chinese Han Yu Pin Yin and to make use of Simplified Chinese Fonts for any Chinese text that will be used on this website in the future.
We expect to launch this entire new revision in the coming week, so watch out for it!
Besides that we are also working on many other areas and you will expect to see updates made nearly every other day.
Particularly you will be seeing updates to old resource pages, lots of addition of new resources and lots more.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
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