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Rooms,Directions using a fixed template method


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When I first started getting interested in Feng Shui I was given a diagram of suggested ways to decorate each room of a house. There are nine areas, each area is based on what wall the entrance is at. Since I have been coming to this site I have not seen anything that mentions this. Every thing basically fits in the same way but here I hear more emphasis on the 4 directions.
Can you tell me if the 2 go hand in hand?

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Dear Marla,
If I am not mistaken, you are referring to the fixed template format used by
the Black Sect Trantric Buddhist (BTB).
Black Sect Tantric Buddhist (BTB) appears to have been a modern "invention"
fabricated in the mind of one person: Thomas Lin Yun. It has no no basis in
or connected to Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. BTB is not recognised by many
practitioners of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. Traditonal practitioners
also consider BTB to be Psuedo-Feng Shui. It is based primarily on a
marketing scheme derived from superstition and profit.
Hear the founder of Black Sect Lin Yun's confession at
http://www.qi-whiz.com/confess.html . (You will be transported to Kate
Bramble's website.)
At Geomancy.net, we choose not to discuss on any BTB topics and will
continue to teach Authentic Traditional Feng Shui.
Frankly, some of the Black Sect Tantric followers are highly qualified (with
Degrees and all) and my personal feeling is that at a point in time, most of
the Authentic Traditional Feng Shui was not available to these people. The
is one reason why, so many pick up the BTB.
I have yet to see a Traditional Feng Shui `person' switch from practising
Traditional Feng Shui to BTB. Instead, I know of a few BTB followers who
have switched to Traditional FS. This is indeed a good sign. The reason is
because more users or consumers are becoming more sophisticated and
nowadays, even in Feng Shui, it is consumer driven.
Personally, I have nothing against any BTB practioners but Geomancy.net
being a Traditional Feng Shui School, wants to have nothing related to such
To answer your question, BTB and Traditional Feng Shui is available in the
Internet but I cannot say that both can go hand in hand. The rationale is
quite simple, anyone can tommorrow, set up a BTB Feng Shui practise just by
using the Fixed Template method and responsible for people's lives? It goes
agains the grain of my conscience.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 12:26 PM
Subject: Rooms,Directions

From: "Marla Blowers"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
When I first started getting interested in Feng Shui I was given a diagram
of suggested ways to decorate each room of a house. There are nine areas,
each area is based on what wall the entrance is at. Since I have been
coming to this site I have not seen anything that mentions this. Every
thing basically fits in the same way but here I hear more emphasis on the 4
Can you tell me if the 2 go hand in hand?
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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Dear Cecil,
Just to clarify for other users,I believe the Black Sect you mentioned is also known as the Black Hat School. Most books I have read follow this school, by laying a template (usually an octagon and what they call Ming Tang, or center) over the floor plan of the house.
Thank you for explaining more about Black Hat/Black Sect.

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