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Stuff under the bed...


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I want to take a moment to say "Thank You" for all that you provide to those of us that are just getting started and to those who know much more. It is a blessing in disguise. Now, on with my question.
My friend has very limited space in her bedroom. She has a daybed and has a lot of "stuff" neatly organized "under" the bed, ex: in footlocker, containers etc.. Is this bad Feng Shui? If so, do you have any solutions as to what she might possibly do?
Thanks, Michelle

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Dear Michelle,
Thank you for your kind words on the forum. Nowadays, this forum has grown
quite large and there are many who have joined the forum from day one and
there are also new users.
Therefore, the best approach is to try to have a " balance " in the
information provided. For those of you who have been with the forum for
quite a while, if you have constructive advice, feel free to share it with
all of us. Learning is two way and it is nice to hear from everyone.
Back to your question.
There are a few practioners who have the view point that:-
1. One should sleep on a raised bed. This is to allow Qi to pass thru under
the bed.
2. Others feel that the above argument may not be implemented and not
Some of us sleep on beds with four wooden supports with `air' flowing
underneath the bed. This group of practioner says that it is essential that
you have air movement under the bed.
What happens when we sleep on boxed bed with four rollers under the bed. The
gap to allow air or Qi to flow below no longer becomes quite possible.
Some of us even sleep on the floor or like `Japanese beds'.
In my personal opinion, most of us close our bedroom windows or door and the
`argument' for Qi to circulate becomes a non issue. Where I stay, because of
the heat, I turn on the airconditioner the whole night. External air
(external Qi) do not come in.
To me, again, having air flow under the bed is either a non-issue but to
applease some FS practioners, we can call it of " Secondary importance ".
Get your Feng Shui `correct' both external and internal of the house and
worry less on such minute details or " non " issues.
Another important factor in Feng Shui is: If you cannot see it, it no longer
becomes a Feng Shui issue. For example, if you have a beam above your head,
use a false ceiling and once you cannot see the beam, it no longer becomes
an issue.
Similiarly, if a poison arrow or a sharp corner is pointed towards your
bedroom window, when you use a thicker set of curtain or blinds; once you
cannot see the poision arrow, it no longer becomes a threat.
In your friends limited bedroom space, it is ok to place things below the
bed. This is a non-issue for the following reasons:-
1. What is below you cannot hurt. Contrast this to placing all the
belongings above you e.g. on an unused double decker bed. Here, it is akin
to a " beam " above your head or something pressing down on you.
2. If all the things that your friend had kept are `precious' to her, it
would be " emotionally " bad to throw them away!
Therefore, what I feel is, keep what she feels is necessary:) If she cannot
bear to `throw' any away, keep all of them:)
Warmest Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 3:54 PM
Subject: Stuff under the bed...

From: "Michelle Delgadillo"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
I want to take a moment to say "Thank You" for all that you provide to
those of us that are just getting started and to those who know much more.
It is a blessing in disguise. Now, on with my question.
My friend has very limited space in her bedroom. She has a daybed and has
a lot of "stuff" neatly organized "under" the bed, ex: in footlocker,
containers etc.. Is this bad Feng Shui? If so, do you have any solutions as
to what she might possibly do?
Thanks, Michelle
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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