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Which bathroom location is most inauspicious?


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Hi Cecil,I appreciate for your comment on the toilet location in a house. However, If I have to make a choice between the toilet location next to my entrance or one at either East,West or SE location, then which one will have more inauspicious than the others
Thanks a lot

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Dear Linh,
Yes, you are correct with regards to the toilet next to the main entrance.
The two most inauspicious situations are:-
1. Having the toilet next to your home entrance (at either side).
This is because the main entrance is like the `mouth' of the house and is
considered important as it is considered the first location external Qi
comes into the house.
2. Center of the house.
Best is to keep the center clear. This is where all intangible forces
congregate. A toilet in the center of the house will mean a drain in
financial resources.
Other situations e.g. toilet at the East, West are equally important but
weigthage should be given to the above two points.
Any cures?
They are psuedo-cures or cures that would make us happy but unfortunately
the effects can still be felt even if we do things like closing the door
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 1:14 AM
Subject: Which bathroom location has more inauspicious?

From: "Linh Huynh"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Hi Cecil,I appreciate for your comment on the toilet location in a house.
However, If I have to make a choice between the toilet location next to my
entrance or one at either East,West or SE location, then which one will have
more inauspicious than the others
Thanks a lot
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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