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Opening direction of doors


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Hello Cecil and Robert, and Greetings to all forum members.
I am about to move to an old house. This house is being subject to reconstruction works, and I would like to know if, in a FS perspective, the direction on which a door opens is important or not. I ask this because frequently doors open from the left or from the right towards the inside or the outside of the division. If important in a FS perspective, which of these four combinations is better?
Thanks in advance

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Dear Pedro,
Yes, there are a few considerations for any doors:-
1. It should always open inwards into the house. (Avoid having a door that
opens outwards of the house).
2. If it is the main entrance door, the door or doors should be of equal
size. The door(s) should be proportionate to the frontage or area of the
3. If the door is at the side, it should open towards the wall.
4. It should preferably not be in the "middle " of a room but preferred
that it should be at any one of the side of the room. If not the door would
be `hanging' in the " middle of the room. "
Therefore priority must be given for the door to open inwards. It can be on
any side of the room. Where possible, it should be facing one of your
auspicious intangible force.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 7:27 PM
Subject: Opening direction of doors

From: "Pedro V."
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Hello Cecil and Robert, and Greetings to all forum members.
I am about to move to an old house. This house is being subject to
reconstruction works, and I would like to know if, in a FS perspective, the
direction on which a door opens is important or not. I ask this because
frequently doors open from the left or from the right towards the inside or
the outside of the division. If important in a FS perspective, which of
these four combinations is better?
Thanks in advance
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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