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A good feng shui restaurant

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Hi there,
I wonder has anyone been to the SIngapore Long Beach restaurant at East Cost. Take a look at the surroundings, you will find it must has gone through a feng shui analysis. As I did not bring my compass (luo pang) with me, I could only tell some of the feng shui being applied from form and shape study.
The restaurant has 2 doors, one in front and the other at the side (closed). The main entrance is facing the car park, this can be considered the so-called "ming tan shui" i.e. having "water" in front of the building.
When you enter the restaurant, you will find that the cashier is located at the right corner of it, which is where the "qi" or energy is consolidated. Above the cashier, there is an altar facing the main door with a flat "ba gua" right on top of it. The purpose of the "ba gua" (I think)is to absorb the good "qi" or energy into the restaurant.
On the left side of the restaurant (looking in from the main entrance) is a wall with water flowing down. Again, this is to let good wealth following back to the restaurant.
My question is if you are taking direction with reference to the main entrance from inside, the right side will be the wall with continuous water flowing down. From form & shape study, the right side is the White Tiger and it should be tamed (i.e. quiet) most of the time and having anything active is not good as it will trigger the white tiger. I believe the direction where the wall is located must be a good location according to 8 house theory or Flying-Start theory. Any comments from anyone?
Chris Ng

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Dear Chris,
Thanks for sharing with us your keen observations.
I would like to share with you my comments on the Green Dragon and White
Tiger. Most of us have read and heard about the `ill effects' of the White
Tiger. Contrary to popular belief that it is a `bad' animal, it is equally
considered auspicious animal as it is courageous and even considered a
beautiful animal.
Here, you will notice it it is really no harm and we do not really need to
`tame' the animal or provide a quiet environment.
The only situations to watch out are:-
1. In the natural order, the green dragon and tiger is said to embrace each
other. This is where the higher green dragon hill embraces the lower tiger
In such a landscape, there is harmony between the dragon and the tiger.
There is a unnatural order where the tiger dominates the dragon. This can be
read under http://www.geomancy.net/fs/four.htm
2. As the West is a Yin location, avoid planting too many plants. Too many
plants create a Yin environment. Too yin environment is no good.
3. Under the Eight House Theory and if this location is inauspcious for a
person, certain details or cures need to be looked at closely.
For example, Chinese often like to hang a red cloth over the main entrance
As red symbolises Fire element; Fire destroys Metal (West location) and if
one is a weak metal person, your metal gets destroyed.
The above are some of the main issues relating to the White Tiger.
Under another Feng Shui Theory i.e Shapes and Forms pertaining to water
positions, we are aware that it is auspicious to have a fountain or even a
waterfall flowing outside the main entrance of a business or home. This is
fast moving qi and considered good.
This is one reason why I feel they must have placed a mini waterfall even if
it is the West side.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 8:52 PM
Subject: A good feng shui restaurant

From: "Chris Ng"
This message is sent from "feng-shui-tips" Mailing List.
Hi there,
I wonder has anyone been to the SIngapore Long Beach restaurant at East
Cost. Take a look at the surroundings, you will find it must has gone
through a feng shui analysis. As I did not bring my compass (luo pang) with
me, I could only tell some of the feng shui being applied from form and
shape study.
The restaurant has 2 doors, one in front and the other at the side
(closed). The main entrance is facing the car park, this can be considered
the so-called "ming tan shui" i.e. having "water" in front of the building.
When you enter the restaurant, you will find that the cashier is located at
the right corner of it, which is where the "qi" or energy is consolidated.
Above the cashier, there is an altar facing the main door with a flat "ba
gua" right on top of it. The purpose of the "ba gua" (I think)is to absorb
the good "qi" or energy into the restaurant.
On the left side of the restaurant (looking in from the main entrance) is a
wall with water flowing down. Again, this is to let good wealth following
back to the restaurant.
My question is if you are taking direction with reference to the main
entrance from inside, the right side will be the wall with continuous water
flowing down. From form & shape study, the right side is the White Tiger and
it should be tamed (i.e. quiet) most of the time and having anything active
is not good as it will trigger the white tiger. I believe the direction
where the wall is located must be a good location according to 8 house
theory or Flying-Start theory. Any comments from anyone?
Chris Ng

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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