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Feng Shui Symbols


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Recently I have noticed an increase in the number of Feng Shui symbols being sold in various NewZealand shops. They all seem to be produced by an Australian company. Things such as Car Protection Symbols, Three Legged Toads with a coin in it's mouth, A coin sword, Numerous types of Buddas, Glass Wind Chimes,Bells, Dragons, Lions, etc, all being sold with Feng Shui labels attached, as well as information on what they are good for. Are these symbols a necessary part of practicing Feng Shui,(as I know Flutes and Crystals are) or are they being produced by an opportunist, who has seen a good way of taking advantage of, and commercializing a very quickly growing area. Look forward to your opinions and comments.

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Dear Shelley,
Thanks for bringing up this interesting question.
A while back I mentioned that originally, Feng Shui is used at a macro
level. At the micro level, we still look at the homes. But for the homes, it
is more generalised Feng Shui. For example, in the past, we do not content
with sleeping on a metal bed nor a water bed. We simply sleep on wooden beds
because wood is easier to find and make use of.
In a wider extent, symbols do play a part in ancient homes which are
decorated with wooden panels or wooden carvings. Even the wooden Chinese
antique furnitures have inlaid mother-of-pearls e.g. of leaves, flowers,
fishes etc...
This is not so much of Feng Shui but cultural heritage. Even porcelian have
figurines of phoenix, beautiful ladies, auspicious animals. We can say that
there are at least over 500 symbols and each signify certain values. For
example we have the crane, the bamboo and many many more animals and
Some of these designs are used in Chinese homes in the hope of using them
for auspicious reasons. Here, there is a distinction between Feng Shui and
Symbols. As I had pointed out earlier, Feng Shui really has to do with
eliminating sha Qi or poision arrows and enhancing Qi.
I feel that symbols (through cultural heritage) is like a bridge and
provides a visual and pleasing impact to the homes. The only thing Feng Shui
and religion have in common is that to a certain degree, it gives us hope,
hope of better things to come. With such expectations, we thus make an
effort (consicious or unconscious) to improve our lifes.
So far, the area of personalization is a new area. I guess, like you, I
share the view that it is a good way to take advantage in the name of Feng
Shui for the commercialisation of products. Some of these products are
closer to religious belief than Feng Shui.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 3:11 PM
Subject: Feng Shui Symbols

From: "Shelley Eagle"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Recently I have noticed an increase in the number of Feng Shui symbols
being sold in various NewZealand shops. They all seem to be produced by an
Australian company. Things such as Car Protection Symbols, Three Legged
Toads with a coin in it's mouth, A coin sword, Numerous types of Buddas,
Glass Wind Chimes,Bells, Dragons, Lions, etc, all being sold with Feng Shui
labels attached, as well as information on what they are good for. Are these
symbols a necessary part of practicing Feng Shui,(as I know Flutes and
Crystals are) or are they being produced by an opportunist, who has seen a
good way of taking advantage of, and commercializing a very quickly growing
area. Look forward to your opinions and comments.
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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