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Which solution, 20 yr vs yearly or mt. vs water?


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Master Lee,
In my yearly flying star chart, I have several sectors where the proposed solutions are different elements. For example:
2 (mountain. star), 7, 8(water star), 6 (yearly)
The 20-year vs. yearly star proposed solution is to use fire to control metal.
The mountain star vs. water star proposed solution is to use metal to weaken earth.
Which one do I follow or which solution takes priority?
Kind regards,
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Dear Anon,
1. Before actually answering your question, I think you first need to know about the difference between the 20-year, yearly and monthly.
a. 20-year Base Star - Gives you the permanent influence of that sector depending on when your house was built.
b. Yearly Star - Gives you the influence of the Yearly star changes which only impacts that particular year.
c. Monthly Star - Gives you the influence of the Monthly star changes which impacts that month.
Once you understand this, you will then know that priority is to always fix up the 20-year base star as this impacts the long term. The Yearly only shift some luck slightly for the better or worst. Usually to make it simple we just focus on where the star 2 or 5 which are usually the problem stars affects. Sometimes yearly star comes in which help the sector so some original influence is reduced.
2. So to answer your question, we should always fix up the 20-year chart. Then fine tune additional cures if necessary for the year so as to ensure that the stars do not cause the 20-year sector to be too inbalance.
3. Of course we also can look at the stars in total, ie say what are the elements present and cure them as a whole.
4. In your case. In current period 8, then this is a very bad sector as both 7 / 6 are Metal while 8 is the auspicious star is exhausted. So having Fire here is good for yearly cure so as to strengthen the star 8 and weaken the Metal (6 / 7).
Hope that helps.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 3/10/2004 4:47:30 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Master Lee,
In my yearly flying star
chart, I have several sectors
where the proposed solutions
are different elements. For
2 (mountain. star), 7, 8(water
star), 6 (yearly)
The 20-year vs. yearly star
proposed solution is to use
fire to control metal.
The mountain star vs. water
star proposed solution is to
use metal to weaken earth.
Which one do I follow or which
solution takes priority?
Kind regards,

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