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New! Pillars of Destiny v7.10

Robert Lee

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Dear Users,
We are pleased to inform you of some new update to the Pillars of Destiny.
What's new in this revision?
- Added the Family Symbols for Luck Pillars for example, Father, Mother, Child, Wife Etc to the 10-year and yearly analysis module.
- Added in the missing "yin/yang" to the Luck Pillars (which previously only displayed eg wood instead of yin wood).
- Updated and refined some internal coding for the analysis and results fixing.
- Updated some typo errors for some description and cleaning up of codes.
Please regenerate your new report.
URL: http://www.geomancy-online.com
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

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Dear Robert,
Great job for all the enhancements.
Allow me to comment that it will be even more useful if this additional
analysis and information is accompanied with easy-to-understand
explanation, meaning how do we make use of such information to our
advantage, because sometimes I find it hard to "apply" if we do not really
understand all the "technical" analysis.

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  • Staff

Dear Rose,
Thank you for your comments.
Yes, I had that in mind, but because the main program is already too complex
especially with the older modules it was difficult to add clear explanation
at the same time provide technical information.
Thus, thus this major revision is done to provide two sets of report, one is
the full technical analysis, and the other is the explanation only. In this
way, I can take advantage of the specific targets templates and provide more
in-depth explanation without making the report too long or too complex to
In addition, it was a long time since the codings were looked at due to
constant addition, so the new revision gives me a chance to re-look and
enhance the performance and add new techniques for "detailed, multiple and
cross-analysis". This would mean that you will see the related information
being analysed as a whole, rather then individual components analysis. Thus
providing you with one result and suggestion for the analysis.
A sample of this explanation is found in the Pillars of Destiny Explanation
module which solely takes care about explaning the details rather than the
complex details. This portion of the report is more the explanation on what
to do and how to do it. That module is being enhanced together with the main
But before that, I need to actually test the revised modules to ensure that
all the analysis is done properly just as the existing v7.10. Once I have
verified this, I can proceed to add in more enhancements. Thus, I have put
up the v7.20 beta for testing. The report should generate exactly the same
as the original except that it is faster and it uses many new techniques and
contains 120 years of luck pillar:)
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
----- Original Message -----
From: Listmanager
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 1:13 PM
Subject: New! Pillars of Destiny v7.10 -Reply

From: mksay@resorts.po.my
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Dear Robert,
Great job for all the enhancements.
Allow me to comment that it will be even more useful if this additional
analysis and information is accompanied with easy-to-understand
explanation, meaning how do we make use of such information to our
advantage, because sometimes I find it hard to "apply" if we do not really
understand all the "technical" analysis.
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