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Fengshui on Computers

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Hi Cecil & Robert,
Is there any bad influence on monitors & PC around you? Due to the nature of my work as an I.T. personnel, I've 4 monitors & 6 PC on my work desk and around me. I'm a weak earth
, what do I consider PC as ?

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Dear Jason,
This is currently a subjective issue based on the following:-
1. There are many different brands of VDUs. Some brands claim to have very
low radiation. The quality of the VDU varies. So it is quite difficult for
us the consumer to ` speculate ' on whether it is bad for us in terms of
`radiation'. However, as TV sets are around for many years all over the
world. For most countries, it is as long as in the 50s etc... and there are
no bad effects of them (although we watch TV further away).
I guess in terms of the `scientific' arena, it is considered safe.
2. In Feng Shui, there are some Practioners who say that TV sets were not
invented in the past so there are no written documentation of its influence
on Feng Shui.
3. The only influence in modern times is that it emits "radiation" or has
magnetic field especially electricity.
Here, some modern Masters classify electricity as belonging to the water
4. For me also, I do have a room full of 5 VDUs and a lan network of 8 PCs
so am in a similar senario as yourself.
5. Nowadays, there are more notebook PCs with led or TFT screens. This is
different from the normal VDUs we are used to.
Therefore, the issues are varied. I tend to consider the PC as the water
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed>
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 9:37 AM
Subject: Fengshui on Computers

From: "Jason CT"
This message is sent from "pillars-of-destiny" Mailing List.
Hi Cecil & Robert,
Is there any bad influence on monitors & PC around you? Due to the nature
of my work as an I.T. personnel, I've 4 monitors & 6 PC on my work desk and
around me. I'm a weak earth
, what do I consider PC as ?
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