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House number

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We live in Eastern Cape, South Africa, we are building a house now, not fininshed yet. The main door faces (and main plot entrance) NE

30 degrees. I worked out that we are a 8 house which corresponds nicely to my personal "ken" house.

Although theflying star shows that SW is very bad now as there is a 5 and 2 on it, I have located my master bedroom and creative room in that section, that troubles me greatly. I have also went on your number house anylises and the number of our farm is part 3 of farm 509, as we do not live in a town. That made me not go to sleep last night, as the report says it will cause arguments, quarrels, lawsuits, lost of wealth. How on earth am I to rectify that, I cant move and change the number of the farm....I am very, extremely troubled.

As I live in South africa I cant find a good feng shui master, how can I get help, We do fight alot, we are loosing money at a terrible concerning tempo and we cant find good helpers/workers.

It does feel to me like I am loosing control and I have got NO joy and are working harder and harder and is loosing more and more.

We also have a bed & breakfast and restaurant on this site.

PLEASE i beg of you to help me, as I really am feeling so helpless and just feel like my life (social, relationship, vision....oh just about everything is falling apart) and i cant find no one to help me....Ive prayed so long and yet nothing seems to go better.....Please help me....



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