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A rough Year


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What can I do with a bad year?

My house has been on the market since May, we have had some financial problems since May, my car engine died in Feb., bought car in March, kids had accident in new car in August, husband took a 30% cut in pay. Every thing around me feels very negative. Any suggestions?

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Dear Anon,

1. You will first have to identify where is your major leaks first.

A. Is it a problem with your heaven luck (ba zi) which is in a very bad 10-year/5-year/year?

B. Is the problem because of your Earth Luck (house feng shui)?

The reason I ask this is because unless you know where the problem is from, it is hard for anyone to advice you on what you can do.

2. If it is your ba zi, then it could mean that say if you are a weak Wood person, you have nearly everything in your live which is against you, ie a unfavourable element house (ie Metal - West facing house), a career such as Metal (Finance), and very bad ba zi luck period.

If this is the case, then you have to correct it by ensuring that you correct as many areas in your life so that it is favouring you.

3. If the problem is your home, then you will need to fix up the leaks in the home.

Without knowing what exactly is causing the leaks, it is very difficult to advice you on what or how to solve your problem. But since most problem comes from either ba zi (heaven luck) or home (earth luck), you should make use of the numerous feng shui tools in our member areas to help you assess where could be the potential leaks then correct them as much as possible. Only then can you attempt to improve a bad year.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 8/27/2004 7:30:49 PM, Anonymous wrote:

What can I do with a bad year?

My house has been on the

market since May, we have had

some financial problems since

May, my car engine died in

Feb., bought car in March,

kids had accident in new car

in August, husband took a 30%

cut in pay. Every thing around

me feels very negative. Any


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