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i am new here...i hope i am doing this right


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hi...i have a question. we just moved into our new home and i would like to knock down a wall in our dining room to have some natural lighting in it. the room is dark if the lights are not turned on. i want to make sure that this is not "bad" feng shui because i read somewhere that one should not install skylights in a house where there was never one. does this hold true for windows? and if we do decide to knock the wall down anyway, is there anything we can do to counteract the ill effects, if any? thank you very much and i am soooo happy that i came across this site of yours.

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Dear Carlene,
From the description you have provided, it looks OK to add a window. The only acceptions are:
1. After it is installed, check that there are no poision arrows e.g. sharp corners from neighbouring buildings that point to the windows.
2. If Thee is a poision arow, you may need to neutralize it e.g. using thicker curtains.
It is better to have a room with natural light than a dark room.
For skyline, it is adviceable not to have it above a bedroom for privacy.
For practical reasons and not Feng Shui, one reason is that it maybe exposed to thieves.
Otherwise, it is acceptable to install a new window.
"Listmanager" wrote:

From: "Carlene Jones"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
hi...i have a question. we just moved into our new home and i would like to knock down a wall in our dining room to have some natural lighting in it. the room is dark if the lights are not turned on. i want to make sure that this is not "bad" feng shui because i read somewhere that one should not install skylights in a house where there was never one. does this hold true for windows? and if we do decide to knock the wall down anyway, is there anything we can do to counteract the ill effects, if any? thank you very much and i am soooo happy that i came across this site of yours.
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