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Please give me an advice


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Dear Anon,

The problem here is that Eight House analysis helps to tell you whether it is suitable or not. There is very little you can do to correct any issue about this kind of suitability issue.

What I can say for this is that:-

1. As long as a house isn't Death or Disaster, then it isn't too bad. Else franly, the only way you can really expect to gain much better luck from such a situation is to in the long term move to a more suitable home to get a quantum leap in feng shui.

2. If your home like inyour case Spook or Irritation isn't really so bad. What you can do is ensure that you have another area which help to compensate for this problem.

Remember thatassessing feng shui is just like taking an exam. Failing one question does not mean the you fail the entire exam. As long as you still are able to pass other question, or in this case fix up all other possible leaks, then you can help to offset this one failure.

3. So my best advice is to fix up all other leaks. ie making sure that you locate your bedroom in a more auspicious sector of the house or that you enhance your ba zi element with more favourable elements or fix up any flying star house inbalances. As long as you do that, it will help to offset this not so suitable house.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 10/2/2004 4:17:08 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Please give an advice about

what should be a cure to

having the main door into the

spook area according to the 8

house theory....

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