myfs_109146 Posted January 24, 2005 Share Posted January 24, 2005 Hi,First of all, I think this is an excellent website. Keep it up.I've 2 questions to ask you.My boyfriend and I are both born in the year of Horse (same year). I read in some Fengshui books that although 2 horses are incompatible, it's ok if we are born in different seasons. Is that true? Is it ok for us to get married this year?Also, I read that we're both not supposed to attend weddings this year otherwise, our luck will change to bad luck. Is that accurate? How do we "protect" ourselves if we absolutely have to go to the weddings?Thxs. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Robert Lee Posted January 24, 2005 Staff Share Posted January 24, 2005 Dear Anon, Glad that you enjoyed the website Quote My boyfriend and I are both born in the year of Horse (same year). I read in some Fengshui books that although 2 horses are incompatible, it's ok if we are born in different seasons. Is that true? Is it ok for us to get married this year?Generally, animal signs of the same type means that the two person will be in competition with each other. However, even for two animal sign (ie born in the same year), there are different elements for each person depending on day that you are born. ie you can have a weak water Horse, and a Strong earth Horse. Depending on what element sign, there will be different level of compatibility. The least compatible match would be the same element sign ie Strong Earth Horse and Strong Earth Horse or Strong Water Horse and Strong Water Horse. Please use our free ba zi report in our members area or via this link to determine the element of both of you:- URL: Quote Also, I read that we're both not supposed to attend weddings this year otherwise, our luck will change to bad luck. Is that accurate? How do we "protect" ourselves if we absolutely have to go to the weddings?This if any belong more towards chinese superstition rather than feng shui. I am sure for example if one is a Christan, you will not even be worried about this. Most people are particularly more concerned about funerals rather than weddings. As I always mentioned, everyone should just try to enhance their own luck by wearing more of their favourable colours (ie weak wood, wear more blue/black/gray colours etc). Or having a career that is more suitable for you based on your element, and get luck from a suitable house. These will improve you luck. Warmest RegardsRobert LeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research Quote On 1/24/2005 5:31:17 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi,First of all, I think this isan excellent website. Keep itup.I've 2 questions to ask you.My boyfriend and I are bothborn in the year of Horse(same year). I read in someFengshui books that although 2horses are incompatible, it'sok if we are born in differentseasons. Is that true? Is itok for us to get married thisyear?Also, I read that we're bothnot supposed to attendweddings this year otherwise,our luck will change to badluck. Is that accurate? How dowe "protect" ourselves if weabsolutely have to go to theweddings?Thxs. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_109146 Posted January 26, 2005 Share Posted January 26, 2005 Hi Robert,My boyfriend is a "Strong Fire" and I'm a "Weak Wood". Since we are both born in the year of a horse (1978) So how compatible are we?I've recently purchased a Ba Zhi Reading for 4 in your website. However, I was in the middle of printing it when my computer shut down. I didn't havethe chance to save it at all.Can I have access to my report again?I've read that part about my career as shown below.Career with WealthElement representing a career represented by your personal wealth element.DescriptionElement representationTotalEarned WealthEarth3Unexpected WealthEarth5ExplanationSince Earth represents your wealth, this means that a job representing this element would bring you wealth. This is because you will be creating more opportunities with your Wealth Deities.If you have a job with this element, you will likely be able to accumlate wealth. AnalysisAccording to your Pillars, you will not completely enjoy this wealth unless you enhance yourself with Water.This type of Career is not recommended unless you are in constant contact with Water. Earth Elements Related CareerBuilding Management, Customer relations, Civil engineering, Clothing, Construction, Customer Relations, Employee Relations, Estate Agency, Farming, Food industry, Games, Pottery, Real Estate, Recruitment, Sports , etcBased on the explaination, it says that I should take an "Earth" type of job. However, the green portion says that it is not recommended unless I'm in constant contact with water. What does it mean by that? So should I take the "Earth" Type of job? How do I be in constant contact with water? I'm considering a career change in Real Estate. So will I be suitable for it?Thxs!Hui Jeng Quote On 1/24/2005 6:48:03 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Anon,Glad that you enjoyed thewebsiteMy boyfriend and I areboth born in the year of Horse(same year). I read in someFengshui books that although 2horses are incompatible, it'sok if we are born in differentseasons. Is that true? Is itok for us to get married thisyear?Generally, animal signs of thesame type means that the twoperson will be in competitionwith each other. However, evenfor two animal sign (ie bornin the same year), there aredifferent elements for eachperson depending on day thatyou are you can have a weak waterHorse, and a Strong earthHorse. Depending on whatelement sign, there will bedifferent level ofcompatibility. The leastcompatible match would be thesame element sign ie StrongEarth Horse and Strong EarthHorse or Strong Water Horseand Strong Water Horse.Please use our free ba zireport in our members area orvia this link to determine theelement of both of you:-URL:, I read that we'reboth not supposed to attendweddings this year otherwise,our luck will change to badluck. Is that accurate? How dowe "protect" ourselves if weabsolutely have to go to theweddings?This if any belong moretowards chinese superstitionrather than feng shui. I amsure for example if one is aChristan, you will not even beworried about this. Mostpeople are particularly moreconcerned about funeralsrather than weddings.As I always mentioned,everyone should just try toenhance their own luck bywearing more of theirfavourable colours (ie weakwood, wear moreblue/black/gray colours etc).Or having a career that ismore suitable for you based onyour element, and get luckfrom a suitable house. Thesewill improve you luck.Warmest RegardsRobertLeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center forApplied Feng Shui ResearchOn 1/24/2005 5:31:17 AM, Anonymouswrote:Hi,First of all,I think this isan excellent website.Keep itup.I've 2 questions toask you.My boyfriend and I arebothborn in the year ofHorse(same year). I read insomeFengshui books that although2horses are incompatible, it'sokif we are born in differentseasons.Is that true? Is itok for us to getmarried thisyear?Also, I readthat we're bothnot supposed toattendweddings this yearotherwise,our luck will change tobadluck. Is that accurate? Howdowe "protect" ourselves ifweabsolutely have to go totheweddings?Thxs. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Robert Lee Posted January 26, 2005 Staff Share Posted January 26, 2005 Dear Anon, Quote My boyfriend is a "Strong Fire" and I'm a "Weak Wood". Since we are both born in the year of a horse (1978) So how compatible are we?This isn't the most compatible element but not the worst either. A better combination would be a Strong Wood and weak Fire. However, with this combination of a Strong Fire and Weak Wood, as long as you have water element as a common binding element, it will help to balance up the compatibility. Water element means that in terms of colours of bedroom or house for example have more blue/black/gray). Or have a North (water house), or have more water related career (ie IT etc)I've recently purchased a Ba Zhi Reading for 4 in your website. However, I was in the middle of printing it when my computer shut down. I didn't havethe chance to save it at all.Can I have access to my report again?I believe I just replied your e-mail as well. You will be able to regenerate the report from our website anytime you wish. Our member area keep all data for easy access anytime you wish even 1 or 5 years down the road. Based on the explaination, it says that I should take an "Earth" type of job. However, the green portion says that it is not recommended unless I'm in constant contact with water. What does it mean by that? So should I take the "Earth" Type of job? How do I be in constant contact with water? I'm considering a career change in Real Estate. So will I be suitable for it?Earth element careers are Wealth careers for yourself (weak Wood). However, what it means here is because you are a weak wood, you will not be able to benefit from the Earth element career unless you make your weak wood stronger. That is why you need water element. Water element makes weak wood stronger. So until you have enough water element, you will not be able to control your wealth career. As such not being able to benefit from a wealth career.Unlike if you are a Strong Wood, then earth element career becomes a very favourable element for you because you can control it. As such such a career isn't recommended for you. It is better that you go for other careers which are more suitable to you. Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobert LeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_109146 Posted January 28, 2005 Share Posted January 28, 2005 Hi Robert,Just want to clarify something about what u said about the water element.How do I know what is a water element in terms of job scope? Can I say that any job that's creative or maybe even not stable is considered a water element?You mentioned that if I want to be in the real estate industry, I must have more water element. So it means I must wear more "water element clothes" like blue, black, grey. Is that correct?However, if I'm a real estate agent, doesn't it mean that it's consideredan"Earth Element" job with"Water Element"? Because as a real estate agent, I also have to do a lot of advertising, communication with clients etc...So sorry for asking you so many times. I just want to clarify. Quote On 1/26/2005 7:47:48 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Anon,My boyfriend is a "StrongFire" and I'm a "Weak Wood".Since we are both born in theyear of a horse (1978) So howcompatible are we?This isn't the most compatibleelement but not the worsteither. A better combinationwould be a Strong Wood andweak Fire. However, withthis combination of a StrongFire and Weak Wood, as long asyou have water element as acommon binding element, itwill help to balance up thecompatibility.Water element means that interms of colours of bedroom orhouse for example have moreblue/black/gray). Or have aNorth (water house), or havemore water related career (ieIT etc)I've recently purchased aBa Zhi Reading for 4 in yourwebsite. However, I was in themiddle of printing it when mycomputer shut down. I didn'thavethe chance to saveit at all.Can I haveaccess to my report again?I believe I just replied youre-mail as well. You will beable to regenerate the reportfrom our website anytime youwish. Our member area keep alldata for easy access anytimeyou wish even 1 or 5 yearsdown the road.Based on theexplaination, it says that Ishould take an "Earth" type ofjob. However, the greenportion says that it is notrecommended unless I'm inconstant contact with water.What does it mean by that? Soshould I take the "Earth" Typeof job? How do I be inconstant contact with water?I'm considering a careerchange in Real Estate. So willI be suitable for it?Earth element careers areWealth careers for yourself(weak Wood). However, what itmeans here is because you area weak wood, you will not beable to benefit from the Earthelement career unless you makeyour weak wood stronger. Thatis why you need water element.Water element makes weak woodstronger. So until you haveenough water element, you willnot be able to control yourwealth career. As such notbeing able to benefit from awealth career.Unlike if you are a StrongWood, then earth elementcareer becomes a veryfavourable element for youbecause you can control it. Assuch such a career isn'trecommended for you. It isbetter that you go for othercareers which are moresuitable to you.Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobertLeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center forApplied Feng Shui Research Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Robert Lee Posted January 29, 2005 Staff Share Posted January 29, 2005 Dear Anon, Quote How do I know what is a water element in terms of job scope?Can I say that any job that's creative or maybe even notstable is considered a water element?Nowadays it is difficult to classify any particular career, as now a butcher for example also have to take care of sales etc. Thus, multi-skills are involved. Anyway, to make it easy, Cecil has already classify some careers into the five element relationship:-Water CareerAdvertising, Arts, Brewing, Communications, Computers, Drinks, Healing, Laundry, Literature, Manufacturing, Media, Music, TherapyIt is not exhaustive, but it should serve as a guide. Quote You mentioned that if I want to be in the real estateindustry, I must have more water element. So it means Imust wear more "water element clothes" like blue, black,grey. Is that correct?Yes, this is because you are a weak Wood. A weak Wood is not able to control Earth element, so in order to control wealth, you need to make your Wood strong. So you need Water and Wood element to help to make your weak Wood strong. Just wearing colour isn't good enough. You will need to have more than that to make a weak wood stronger. You need to have as many areas in your life with more water element (ie colours, career, house etc). Quote However, if I'm a real estate agent, doesn't it mean that it's consideredan"Earth Element" job with"Water Element"? Because as a real estate agent, I also have to do a lot of advertising, communication with clients etc...As I mentioned, career isn't as straight forward nowadays. Some form of multi-skilling is always involved. But still, real estate agent is generally considered Earth element. Plus, the job scope though have water element isn't enough to make you strong enough. Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobert LeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research Quote On 1/28/2005 2:16:41 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Robert,Just want to clarify somethingabout what u said about thewater element.How do I know what is a waterelement in terms of job scope?Can I say that any job that'screative or maybe even notstable is considered a waterelement?You mentioned that if I wantto be in the real estateindustry, I must have morewater element. So it means Imust wear more "water elementclothes" like blue, black,grey. Is that correct?However, if I'm a real estateagent, doesn't it mean thatit'sconsideredan"EarthElement" job with"WaterElement"? Because as a realestate agent, I also have todo a lot of advertising,communication with clientsetc...So sorry for asking you somany times. I just want toclarify. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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