myfs_94880 Posted March 4, 2005 Share Posted March 4, 2005 Dear Robertand Cecil,I understand that an office with a double 8 facing is very good for period 8. But what if that facing direction is my worst direction (death)? Will flying star overide / overrule that? I look forward to yoiur feedback. Many thanks in advance. cjsee Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Robert Lee Posted March 5, 2005 Staff Share Posted March 5, 2005 Dear CJ See,A double 8 house is of course ideal. But if you do not get a house that is equally suitable, then you will not be able to enjoy the full potential.This like saying that say the house has a maximum of 100% luck that you can obtain. If your are not suitable to it, then you can only enjoy a fraction of that amount of luck. Say in terms of Death/Disaster (which is the worst of the eight house suitability, then you may only obtain say 40% of the entire luck potential).If the house is spook or irritation, I would say it will still be fine. But when it comes to Death or Disaster, it should be avoided if possible. So far we have seen so many cases, often when the house is death or disaster, the owners often have many issues.Remember, that a suitability to a home is the hardest to correct. There is virtually no way to cure it. This is also same for the External surrounding, very hard to correct issues that comes from the surrounding. But for flying star, you can still correct or neutralise any inauspicious impact. Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobert LeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research Quote On 3/4/2005 6:49:23 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Robertand Cecil,I understand that an officewith a double 8 facing is verygood for period 8. But what ifthat facing direction is myworst direction (death)? Willflying star overide / overrulethat?I look forward to yoiurfeedback. Many thanks inadvance.cjsee Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_94880 Posted March 6, 2005 Share Posted March 6, 2005 Dear Robert,That would pose a dilemma for 2 business partners with opposing kuas, wouldn't it? Say the facing direction is bad (death) for me but good (health) for my business partners. In such circumstances, how would one remedy the situation?Willhaving 2 entrances an ideal remedy?Many thanks ina advance.warmest regards,cjsee Quote On 3/5/2005 9:31:34 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear CJ See,A double 8 house is of courseideal. But if you do not get ahouse that is equallysuitable, then you will not beable to enjoy the fullpotential.This like saying that say thehouse has a maximum of 100%luck that you can obtain. Ifyour are not suitable to it,then you can only enjoy afraction of that amount ofluck. Say in terms ofDeath/Disaster (which is theworst of the eight housesuitability, then you may onlyobtain say 40% of the entireluck potential).If the house is spook orirritation, I would say itwill still be fine. But whenit comes to Death or Disaster,it should be avoided ifpossible. So far we have seenso many cases, often when thehouse is death or disaster,the owners often have manyissues.Remember, that a suitabilityto a home is the hardest tocorrect. There is virtually noway to cure it. This is alsosame for the Externalsurrounding, very hard tocorrect issues that comes fromthe surrounding. But forflying star, you can stillcorrect or neutralise anyinauspicious impact.Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobertLeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center forApplied Feng Shui ResearchOn 3/4/2005 6:49:23 PM, CJ Seewrote:Dear RobertandCecil,I understand that anofficewith a double 8 facing isverygood for period 8. But whatifthat facing direction ismyworst direction (death)?Willflying star overide /overrulethat?I look forward toyoiurfeedback. Many thanksinadvance.cjsee Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Robert Lee Posted March 7, 2005 Staff Share Posted March 7, 2005 Dear CJ See,In such a case, I would first ask you whether who would be considered more important or holding very important decision making to keep the company going.If it is you, then ideally the facing of the office should fit you first. Especially, if you are the one running the business operations, and if your partner is considered like a sleeping partner. If not, then your business partner should get a better office facing.Then the other thing you can do, is ensure that you locate yourself in a good sector of the office, so that you can gain luck from that to offset what you cannot gain from the office main door/facing.Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobert LeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research Quote On 3/6/2005 10:24:41 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Robert,That would pose a dilemma for2 business partners withopposing kuas, wouldn't it?Say the facing direction isbad (death) for me butgood (health) for my businesspartners. In suchcircumstances, how would oneremedy the situation?Willhaving 2 entrancesan ideal remedy?Many thanks ina advance.warmest regards,cjseeOn 3/5/2005 9:31:34 PM, Robert Leewrote:Dear CJ See,A double 8house is of courseideal. But if youdo not get ahouse that isequallysuitable, then you will notbeable to enjoy thefullpotential.This like sayingthat say thehouse has a maximum of100%luck that you can obtain.Ifyour are not suitable toit,then you can only enjoyafraction of that amount ofluck.Say in terms ofDeath/Disaster (whichis theworst of the eighthousesuitability, then you mayonlyobtain say 40% of theentireluck potential).If thehouse is spook orirritation, I wouldsay itwill still be fine. Butwhenit comes to Death orDisaster,it should be avoidedifpossible. So far we haveseenso many cases, often whenthehouse is death ordisaster,the owners often havemanyissues.Remember, that asuitabilityto a home is the hardesttocorrect. There is virtuallynoway to cure it. This isalsosame for theExternalsurrounding, very hardtocorrect issues that comesfromthe surrounding. Butforflying star, you canstillcorrect or neutraliseanyinauspicious impact.Hope thathelps.WarmestRegardsRobertLeeGEOMANCY.NET -Center forApplied Feng ShuiResearchOn 3/4/20056:49:23 PM, CJ Seewrote:DearRobertandCecil,Iunderstand that anofficewith adouble 8 facing isverygood forperiod 8. But whatifthat facingdirection ismyworst direction(death)?Willflying star overide/overrulethat?I look forwardtoyoiurfeedback. Manythanksinadvance.cjsee Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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