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Hello. I am new to this country and have been in my current job for the past one year. But things are becoming very difficult at work. Senior management does not support me and my boss is very upset with me. My juniors do not respect me. I am very depressed. I feel very insecure. I am not being able to get a foothold into the organisation or the people although I work long hours at the cost of my only child's happiness. At the same time I am the breadwinner of the family and it is imperative that I keep my job. Is there any chance of my losing this job? Will I ever be able to gain the respect and stability at my workplace that I seek? When?

I am very troubled. Don't know how much longer I can take this anymore.



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Hi Anon,

It is hard to advise you what is best to do. But if you ask me, if you don't feel comfortable in an environment, then how are you going to perform your best? At least, this is what can tell from your description so far. It does not seem like you are comfortable at all, ie stress or tense up and worried. All these factors are not going to help you in anyway.

If you really do not feel confortable in your environment, maybe you should consider looking for alternative employment (while you continue your work at your current location). Whatever your decision, I think you should first find someway to relax yourself. Only when you are relaxed can you work better, and make a better decision.

The best I can help you is to provide you with a free ba zi credit that can help you check whether what elements or career are suitable. Maybe that can give you some better insights. E-mail support@geomancy.net with your member account and I will credit you with a ba zi analysis.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.

On 3/31/2005 7:18:38 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Hello. I am new to this

country and have been in my

current job for the past one

year. But things are becoming

very difficult at work. Senior

management does not support me

and my boss is very upset with

me. My juniors do not respect

me. I am very depressed. I

feel very insecure. I am not

being able to get a foothold

into the organisation or the

people although I work long

hours at the cost of my only

child's happiness. At the same

time I am the breadwinner of

the family and it is

imperative that I keep my job.

Is there any chance of my

losing this job? Will I ever

be able to gain the respect

and stability at my workplace

that I seek? When?

I am very troubled. Don't know

how much longer I can take

this anymore.



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