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Updates! Ba Zi Premium & Standard v12.66

Robert Lee

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Dear Users,

Some users have pointed out some description related errors in the Ba Zi v12.55. We have since corrected them in this latest revision of the Ba Zi Premium & Standard versions.


A1. Under Changes in your Five Element Balance (Part 3)

Unfavourable to you

While, your unfavourable elements are Wood (18%) and Fire (64%) You will to avoid Fire (64%) more than Fire (64%) to improve the luck for this period.

  • Avoid staying in an unsuitable House Element - Your luck will further be reduced if you are staying in a house facing South direction which represents Fire
  • Avoid unfavourable colours - Should ensure you avoid bedroom decor/car colour/dressing are in red (Fire element).

When percentage of the unfavourable element is equal, it showed a template which shows the favourable element description rather than unfavourable element. This text is also in blue (for favourable indication rather than unfavourable). This affects very few people due to it being hard to get percentage that are equal.

A2. Under the Luck Pillars analysis (Part 3)

You have an Earthly Branch Self Punishment found!

  • chen - The elements in the Luck 8 (chen - Dragon) pillars of the Earthly Branch punishes itself.

The explanation pillar which tries to make sense of this keep showing 1 and 2nd pillar description as such the explanation also does not refer to this portion. For the time being since this is an outdated module which is not needed anymore, I have disabled it until I have time to re-write a new module to explain the clash.


B1. Clashes / Harms / Punishment etc.

Since our ba zi was written till now, we only show Clashes that are not duplicated. Meaning that if two or more pillars clashes with the same pillar, only one of the clashes will be shown and usually it will be the one that is permanent that will be highlighted.The duplicate clash which is often less important will not be shown.

For example Day and Month clash. say yin-si harm was found. Another yin-si found between say Day and Luck pillar will be considered duplicate clash. Previously, this was not shown as duplicate clash already occured once.

We have enabled this so that such duplicate clashes/harms/punishment etc will now be shown rather than hidden. This is because in current ba zi report, we have such forecast modules which does not only 10-year / 5-year / year analysis. In fact, it can go as deep into 6-monthly/monthly/daily/hourly. So with such indepth analysis. By allowing duplicate clashes to appear, it will make the forecast even more accurate by being able to tell you if a year is classified as Good / Average / Bad especially with the present grading system in place.

In our curent analysis, we used a grading system to grade the score so as to classify them as Good / Average / Bad etc. If the system is able to know that a duplicate clash is also found, then it will better be able to classify as less auspicious then previously maybe average (because no clashes were found). This will give a more accurate forecast result since it is able to consider all major and even minor clashesas well as duplicate clashes.

Users can access the report to get an updated forecast module. This will affect the forecast as those which are good/average may be classify a little lower. Giving a more true account of your luck forecast. Since ourforecast reportcolour code theday/month/year in 3 colours, so please do not be surprised to see previously analysed as Green (Average) become Red (Bad).As mentioned, witha minorduplicate clash, the overallluck will be less auspicious then previously graded.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.

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