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Good versus Bad influences


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Dear Master

What is youradvise ifa house has a period 8 setting (which is good for 20 years beginning 2004) but also has a unfavourable influences such as facing T or Y?

Can the good factor of period 8 overcome the unfavourable influences? If yes, does it mean it will last onlyfor 20 years?


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Dear Chong Boon Soon,

Chong Boon Soon wrote:
What is youradvise ifa house has a period 8 setting (which is good for 20 years beginning 2004) but also has a unfavourable influences such as facing T or Y?

External Shapes and Form influence will always have more impact to an home compared to flying star or eight house influence.

A house with good external shapes and form feng shui is a house is the key to enjoying a quantum leap in feng shui. That is why we keep stressing that a good house begins from the external environment.

A house with good flying star feng shui only deals with luck within the four walls of your home. No matter how much you enjoy the luck, the luck from the external factors remain the same.

As such to answer your question. It is not advisable to get the home, because the external T and Y factor will still create a sha qi to your home. Thereby reducing the overall luck that you might enjoy.

Chong Boon Soon wrote:
Can the good factor of period 8 overcome the unfavourable influences? If yes, does it mean it will last onlyfor 20 years?

You see a 20-year chart of a house, does not really last 20-years only. It will continue to last as long as you do not make a major renovation after the 20-year year to convert the home to the new house luck period.

Say your external factors not so good. Lets assume this makes your overall house luck 60%. A good flying star house luck will mean you might be able to enjoy upto 90%-100% of the entire 60% luck. That is about it. It will not enhance your house luck to enjoy more than the 60% influence. Say a flying star house luck is bad, this means out of the 60% luck maybe you can only enjoy 20-30% luck.

So the answer to your question is that, with a good flying star house luck, you can only enjoy whatever luck is available to you after you consider the external factor influence. You can never expect to improve the house to compensate for the flaws from the external factors.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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