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Dear Mark,

Mark lyden wrote:
I currently have a fish tank in my living room(living room in west of house.) I also have red sofas. How can I arrang the furniture to improve my proserity. I am currently loosing money.

If you are facing issues, then you will need to troubleshoot your home before anyone can tell you what are the problems for your home. Only when you know what are the problems can you attempt to correct your situation.

ie. Is your home unsuitable to you based on your eight house or ba zi?

ie. Is the living room sector a bad position to put water feature under the flying star.

ie. What is your best sitting position so that you can arrange your furniture to sit and face in a suitable direction.

ie. Are there any other major leaks from the external shapes and form ie posion arrow from a building across your home.

As you can see, there are so many many questions that need find out. I would suggest you get someone to assess your home professional and advise you on the what are the leaks and then attempt to correct the leaks. If you want some do-it-yourself guide. I would recommend you check out his talk notes which can help you attempt to do some simple troubleshooting:-

URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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