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ive just done the compatabiliy report. my boyfriend is weak water dragon (31st jan 1976)and i am strong earth dog (2nd oct 1982), it says metal will reduce conflict but what does it mean by metal, does it just mean metal furnishings?

i can understand water would b a fountain or aqurium, fire would be light or fireplace, wood would b a plant etcbut i cant think what i could put in my home that is metal!!

please help!



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Dear Sophie,

sophie corcoran wrote:
ive just done the compatabiliy report. my boyfriend is weak water dragon (31st jan 1976)and i am strong earth dog (2nd oct 1982), it says metal will reduce conflict but what does it mean by metal, does it just mean metal furnishings?

Five element can be related to many different things ie colours, shapes, direction, career etc.

So when it mean Metal, it means ie Metal (colour - white/gold, circular shapes, metal materials, West or North-West facing direction, or even Metal careers). Refer to this useful link:-

URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

Since colour is easily found in many areas of your life, therefore the closest item that both of you have is your home and bedroom. So have more Metal type decoration as well as colours or circular type design to create more Metal element in the room.

Others, can be having people of the favourable element Metal person can also help to act as a binding element between the two of you. ie your children/brothers or relatives.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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