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We live in a flat system and our flat is in south west direction. If i stand in the middle of my house facing north then my enterance to the houseis on NNE side which opens into a hall cum dining room. My dining room is on the west side of the hall.

The Kitchen is on west side one toilet bathhroom is on east side and to my south east is the master bedroom with attached toilet & bath (where the commode is facing south). on to my south west is another small room. where we pray and keep all our stuff like clothes, bedding, ration stock and toiletries.

I try to unclutter my house once in a month and clean it everyday. Do you think that it is suffient. If there are any flaws do let me know along with the cure. Please also tell which will be the best position of placing the bed in the master bedroom. I will be great ful if you would answer my querry.



B. S.

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Dear Anon,

Frankly, a layout would be easier for us to help you on such advise. Uncluttering is always good, but for advising where is best placement, a layout plan would speak a thousand word.

Though, many factors will still need to be considered ie the best direction etc, however, the shapes and form placement is often quite important. So generally, there is usually one or two way to place a bed in most modern layout. Whether there are at least two different position, then you based on which direction will be most suitable for you.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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