You Stay There! We (Geomancers) Don't!

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You stay there, we (Geomancers) Don't

1. Always remember this: You stay or intend to stay at the home, we (Geomancers) don't! Even if you intend to DIY Feng Shui; similarly, don't go to the extreme!

A Practical Approach to Feng Shui...

2. For example some geomancers or simply could'nt careless about the above. And to them; they come to your premises for a short-duration; so easy to utter words without thinking of the consequences. The saying goes "TALK is or (CAN) be CHEAP!"

2.1. Some of the red flags are:-

2.1.1 Totally lock up a room. For example, one has been advised not to use the master-bedroom toilet or a specific bedroom, totally.

2.1.2. It is always easy to say: "You must move house!". Without question; what happens if the other house is worse-off than this one?

3. The above are some of the red-flags that tell us... beware! The geomancer practises extreme Feng Shui or his Feng Shui is to the extreme!

A Practical Approach to Feng Shui...
A Practical Approach to Feng Shui...