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Auspicious Dates for Selection of Caesarian Birth Date

Cecil Lee



About Selection of Caesarian Dates

Secure the most auspicious Ba Zi fortune for your child's future by selecting the optimal birth date and time. The service fee is SGD $188.


  • Comprehensive search into the hour by hour analysis for each day to find the best date and time for the date range of your expected delivery date (ie 1 Jan - 31 Jan etc)
  • Narrows search to finding dates which have ALL HOURS Auspicious timing so that should there be any "unexpected" delays in caesarian operation, the child is still good.
  • Identifies the best hours with the most well balanced five element percentage to minimize potential health issues.
  • Identifies the Key Character Traits for each hour to help you look for a good overall trait for the child.



Sample Reports

Information Required (To begin, fill up this Form...)


Information Required:-

URL: https://www.geomancy.net/forms/caesarianform.pdf

Just email the form to support@geomancy.net or send it via WhatsApp, and we can begin the review process.


Give your baby a good start in Life


 WHATSAPPx.gif.933b1f171b62310142ae17b5501fc685.gif Robert Lee: +65 9835-5734 / support@geomancy.net



Recommended Comments

  • Staff

Hi Master Lee, do you do baby delivery dates and time? I have a friend to refer you


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