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Cecil Lee

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Cecil Lee last won the day on February 18 2023

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  1. Thank you so much, Master Lee! I learnt something today. Have a good weekend Good afternoon Master Lee. Based on the one year combined auspicious dates you provided, we are considering 17 Sep 2023 for wedding. May I just enquire that this date will be good for us, regardless the 通勝 states good or bad for wedding? Thank you. Tung Shu dates is still considered a general date that is suitable for everyone. So that doesn't consider whether individually your ba zi date is suitable to the date or not. That is why even if you look at a date in Tung Shu, you still have to check if the day clashes/harms with the bride or groom or not. As ultimately, every one will have some day which are better or not. So it can't be everyone on this planet will have the same good day based on the tung shu. This is why even if you check the Tung Shu, you still need to check if that day is suitable to that person or not before using it. Our auspicious dates, consider all these factors and attempt to find the date with the least clash/harm with 1 or 2 person involved. The goal is to find a date which least clash/harm which will eventually be the best overall date. So generally our auspicious date will superceed any generalised Tung Shu or general horoscope etc. Thank you so much, Master Lee! I learnt something today. Have a good weekend
  2. Good afternoon Master Lee. Based on the one year combined auspicious dates you provided, we are considering 17 Sep 2023 for wedding. May I just enquire that this date will be good for us, regardless the 通勝 states good or bad for wedding? Thank you. Tung Shu dates is still considered a general date that is suitable for everyone. So that doesn't consider whether individually your ba zi date is suitable to the date or not. That is why even if you look at a date in Tung Shu, you still have to check if the day clashes/harms with the bride or groom or not. As ultimately, every one will have some day which are better or not. So it can't be everyone on this planet will have the same good day based on the tung shu. This is why even if you check the Tung Shu, you still need to check if that day is suitable to that person or not before using it. Our auspicious dates, consider all these factors and attempt to find the date with the least clash/harm with 1 or 2 person involved. The goal is to find a date which least clash/harm which will eventually be the best overall date. So generally our auspicious date will superceed any generalised Tung Shu or general horoscope etc. Thank you so much, Master Lee! I learnt something today. Have a good weekend
  3. side question, have you thought of taking your business more online to a broader audience? I think it is a gift that you have the ability to read and give back detailed information about fengshui
  4. Slate tiles does not make the cut for the cluster homes entrance to 14A/B/C etc…Kismis Place Terrible condition
  5. Ordered Big $5.50 (small$4.50). Fair or so so. As no “wok hey” smell.
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