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  1. Dear Cecil, How are you? It has been a long time since I last visited your website! Last night, I met two friends and we were talking about fengshui, which I highly recommended your website and your services! I told them abt the wealth of info that can be found in your website! This fren told me that in her friend's house, the sink was opposite thestove and her fren quarrelled quite frequently withhusband quarrelled.. she asked if there is any t feng shui remedies to "resolve"this.. I told her I probably can find from your website, haha... I did a quick search and found some useful info, but not quite the same as the question that we have.. If you have time, can help? No other details for you to base your analysis though.. Thanks v much! Best regards, Cally
  2. Dear Cecil, I am doing "An Chuan" soon but dont know the procodures.. some said get a good fortune lady to do so (someone with many kids), some said a good fortune man.. and then I read somewhere can get parents to do... I am clueless! Help! Much appreciated... thanks! Best regards, Cally
  3. Dear Cecil Sorry, I have another question... ok to put shoe cabinet side by side next to altar? My friend said that will be "disrespectful" towards the buddha figurine. is that so? Thanks! Best regards, Cally
  4. Hi Cecil, I have a somewhat silly question to ask... Is there such thing as auspicious or inauspicious color for altar? I am thinking of doing a custom-made of my own altar, in pastel or light colors... Currently, most altars available in the mkt comes in wood colors only... Also, I am thinking of taking up package to find good wedding date(s)... Your package indicate choice of dates for up to 6 mths.. Meaning, I can ask for ,say, good dates between Sep 09 and Mar 2010, right? Thanks Best regards, Cally
  5. Thank you so much for your advice! Have a good week ahead!
  6. Dear Cecil In your recommendation for my house, you mentioned good to put a bowl of coin atwindow in my living room to improve luck... Do you mean real coins? or can bethoseplastic container fixed with fake gold coins? I saw a bowl of ingots (made from dont know what material, somewhatlike fake jade) which I like v much.. Does that count? Wld need your advice asI hope to buy soon. Thanks Best regards, Cally
  7. Dear Cecil, Thank you so much for your fast response... If ROM, is that considered "properly married"? Does it mean that my furniture and electrical appliances can be delivered anytime, but I just need to find a good auspicious date for move-in? Since I probably will be staying there for some weekends only for the time being, I think I wont do a proper move-in yet. By the way, without proper move-in (and I am not staying there yet), any issues with me throwing some house warming parties at my new house? My friends have been asking! Thank you so much for your time! Best regards, Cally
  8. DearCecil, It's me again! Ihave some questions which need your advice.... I have just recently completed my house renovation and has started sourcing for furniture and electrical appliances, including an altar for my buddha figurine... But my partner and I are not officially married yet.. So, while we will do up the house, we wont officially move in yet (though we may go there to stay on some weekends)... So, do we do an official move-in ritual and when? Do we do that just prior to our official marriage (which wont be so soon but within a year)? How shd the sequencing of the moving in of furniture, electrial appliances and budda figurine be done? Do we need to choose an auspicious date for the delivery of the furniture and appliances? Thanks for your time... Pai sey pai sey... Have a good week ahead! Best regards, Cally
  9. Thank you Cecil... Always prompt and insightful, I like! :-)
  10. Hello Master, My friend told me her fengshui master told her granite shd be avoided coz it emits bad aura in terms of fengshui ... Is there such a thing? I am asking because I was thinkingtohave granitie as my kitchen top or tiles or solid surface.. Thanks for your time! :-) Best regards, Cally
  11. Hi Cecil, Its me again... How important is a house number? I did a check using your free report and my house number is really bad... nothing can be done now, unless I shift out say a few years later... The flat was built in 1997 (period 7). I am v naive... If I were to do major renovation this year (which include redoing floorings, kitchen and repainting whole unit), can I say then that the house will bein period 8?At least the reading (which is still bad), is not as bad as when the house is in period 7 (not sure if i can bear with my husband having extra-marital affairs)... Thanks Regards, Cally
  12. Dear master Cecil, I am getting my house key for my resale flat next Wed 25/2/09. I will do performingthe ritual (doing it on my own based on your detailed instructions) as stated in your doc on "Initital Opening of Door".. H/w, are we supposed to leave the things in the house for 3 days without removing them? Can we still visit the house in between, sayfrom Thu to Frior we should not to return to the house until after 3rd day? As I will be going on short trip on Sat (28/2/09), I may be able to go back to the house to collect the stuff only onthe following Mon or Tue evening (which is abt 5-6 days later). Will this be too late and considered inauspicious? Pls let me know? Thanks so much! Best wishes, Cally
  13. Thank you for your prompt response... I understand your points... I felt like i am getting overly obsessed and fearful that I no longer look forward to renovating my new house... Just a question, do you do on-line house analysis with proposed remedies/cures? Am thinking of not doing full on-site audit lest the more i know, the more fearful i get... Thanks for your time! Best regards.. Cally
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