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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Jazz

    House position

    1. Where is the main door facing. For example facing 4032 or ? -main door facing south and facing grasses. Behind the lot 4036 is a house. East will be facing road and west will be a house. Frontage will be grasses. I hope the photos I sent now is OK. Thank you
  2. Hi Sir, I would like to purchase a house on the corner. Is the fengshui for this house position is OK? Thank you in advance ?
  3. Hi Master Lee, Thank you so much for your detailed explanation. If I requested a full wall but the first floor has a window, will it be an air-tight type staircase? Otherwise, I will cover at least up to the steps and the railing and the area above the railing will be an opaque glass if it's preferable. Thanks in advance ?
  4. Hi Master Lee, Yes, stairs 1 to 5 is half plaster wall and I would like to request the builder to make it a full wall so the stair steps and rail cannot be seen from the entrance door. Should I cover stairs steps and rail with full wall? Thank you
  5. Hi Master Lee, I apologise for my question earlier. Thank you for your reply. One more question,main entrance is yellow arrow. Should I request the builder to placed a wall to hide the stairs? I read one article that staircase should not be seen or faces away from the main entrance door? Please help as I am confused. Thank you in advance.
  6. Hi Master Lee, I wanted to ask if I have to put wall instead of wall ballustrade? When opening the main door I can see straight the stairs. Is there any remedy with my stairs? Please help me, thank you.
  7. Hi Master Lee, I have attached a floor plan, can you help me point out what's wrong with it? Thank you.
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