Hi Mr Lee, would like to seek your advice regarding my apartment floor plan as shown in the image.
As you can see, bedroom 2 and master bedroom are odd shaped and their room doors open into where the beds are going to be positioned (i.e., when you walk in at a straight line from the door, will walk into the bed). My understanding is that the worse placement is where the beds are in line with the room door such that when you lie in bed, your feet is facing straight line to the door. How about situations where the room door is facing the sides of the bed? Is this seriously not good? Any simple fixes that are not too intrusive? Do you think it is ok to live with this without any fixes?
Second point is that for the master bedroom the toilet door will be shifted to the middle of that wall. This will result in the toilet door facing the side of the bed. Again, is this seriously not good? i read somewhere that keeping the toilet door closed is good enough. Any other fixes that are not too intrusive? Do you think it is ok to live with this without any fixes?
thanks in advance for your advice!