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Everything posted by fufu_88_99
Dear robert, My concerns was like if one activate too much mountain wont it overwhelm the person since too much water brings the bad affect. Or is it OK in case of mountain but not water. Thanks.
Dear robert and cecil, My bedroom and study are in the same room. I needed to know if it is OK to keep blue color globe in the bedroom cum study or is it considered water feature. Thanks.
Dear robert and cecil, I read in the book that the best place to put all big pieces of ceramic was NE and SW and for small pieces the W and NW but when I checked my flying star some of this has a 2 or 5 star. So I needed to know which is the best place to put the ceramics stuff since my mother is a pottery designer so you can guess I have lot of it. Thanks.
Dear robert and cecil, You have done a very good job of expanding this web site. I would like to see a category or conference called Experiences where people can post their personal comments about feng shui. How the reading affected them. What type of changes it brought in their life. Secondly, I would like to see a dictionary of all the terms used in feng shui and pillar of destiny so readers can just click on the term and read the meaning or definition so it would make their reading more enjoyable since it will help them to understand the subject better. Thanks.
Dear cecil, Thanks for the info about the swimming pools. We are looking for a house with the main door in NW according to your guidelines the pool should be to the left of house that means it will be in west location. Wont west be a very yin location for a swimming pool? Thanks.
Dear robert and cecil, I was interested in knowing how you got such vast information about feng shui. Did you learn from a master and how many years it took to attain proficiency. Thanks.
Dear cecil, In west we spend a large amount of time in our cars. Its like a second home to most people. I needed to know if there is any feng shui tips for car to make travel more safe besides driving with in the speed limit and wearing a seat belt. Thanks
Dear cecil, Does wearing feng shui jewellery auspicious eg dragon ring, double happiness symbol ring, 3 legged toad and arrowanas fish ring and 3 coin ring. Thanks.
Dear cecil, I live in a hi rise building with a roof garden and it has miniature fountains in it. I read the water at roof is bad. I reside on 12th floor and garden is on 19th floor. It is the roof of the building. Will it affect the feng shui of my apartment.
Dear cecil, I came across so many new kitchen gadgets and home styles for millennium and I would like to know your views about these. This is in the west. 1. No formal living room instead living room and dinning room and kitchen all combined in a huge large space. And I am not talking about studio apartments. Is it good or bad. This is the latest trend. 2. Electronic sliding glass door. 3. Movable walls 4. Water walls. usually one wall of the meditation room or den is with flowing water. 5. Refrigerators with computer and TV installed on the upper part. Located in the kitchen. Also huge TV in the kitchen 6. Movable or sliding cabinets. 7.Dish washer and oven in one. I would also like to know how principles of feng shui can be applicable to all these new things which will be popping up with the advancement of technology. Thanks.
Dear cecil, I needed to know when 5 and 2 are considered bad. When they are the base star or when they are located at the top left or right of the grid. Thanks.
Dear cecil, Can you please explain briefly what is San-Hup theory, feng shui castle gate theory, star capture theory, replacement theory, dragon placement theory. Since this forum promotes learning. I hope you will take the time to explain these. Thanks.
Dear cecil, we are in the process of looking for a house. So its not possible for us to do a flying star for every house we look at. But we want a house with a swimming pool. My husband is a weak water and he is a west gp person. So can you give us info about which direction will be good for a swimming pool. Since it is important for us to have swimming pool in good direction along with the good flying star. Secondly my friend lives in a house which was built in 1808 and they are installing a fountain in front of their home so the auspicious direction for water feature will be calculated according to cycle of 1808 or the current cycle of 7. Thanks.
Dear Toni, Why don't you do a full consultation for your boss office. That way you can activate the mountain star and find a more auspicious sector for him to sit. Since he has given you the permission to change the door direction. Because if you change the door direction the flying star will change too. So I think you should focus on the whole picture instead of focusing on the stopping the Qi from rushing down. May be after doing flying star report you might not need to change the door location. So my suggestion will be to do a flying star report before spending money on changing the door direction.
Dear cecil, Is it Ok to have murals on the ceiling. Secondly, is it OK to have marble floor in the house. Thanks.
Dear cecil, I needed to know how to determine the auspicious direction for travel. They say one should travel from one of the best direction according to 8 mansion. My question is how one can find that out. Since when one flies the airline does not tell you whether you would fly from west or south they just mention the city.
Dear cecil, My oven is located on the prosperity line(W) and microwave is located on the longevity (NW) line. I read that the appliances should be kept near death and disaster line. But in my case it is on good line. Is there anything I can do. I can move microwave but it still going to be prosperity line. Please advise me. Thanks.
Dear cecil, I have read couple of posting regarding this topic and you always reply saying that these things are secondary. And one should take care of personal element and flying star etc. But you never elaborate on the question asked. But you are forgetting something. The west was introduced to feng shui in the form of color and element and direction theory. That is the 8 aspiration theory. Nobody has heard of pillar of destiny and flying star theory. You will ask how do I know this. Since there is no book available on pillar of destiny and flying star in the west. There are total of 66 books available on feng shui and out of 66 books 47 are based on 8 aspiration and 19 are 8 mansion theory by Lillian too. So you see that is the reason all the reader keep on asking the same question again and again. I wish you can just answer the question which the reader asked so that once they become familiar with flying star theory your answer will make sense to them. Thanks.
try snap.com and then horoscope and there is a free I-Ching site there.
After hearing of first princess Diana death and now the tragedy about JFK Jr. at such a young age has made me wonder why nobody is able to predict the time of death. I came across lots of predictions for princess Diana life that one day she will be queen mother and she will remarry and live happily and grow old. And same goody goody predictions about JFK Jr. that he is going to be father soon and when he will be 43 of age there will be trouble etc and he will run for presidency etc. How come astrology and other forms of divination are able to predict so far in the future but not able to see the death of the person. I would like to hear other peoples views on this subject.
Dear robert and cecil, I read your advise regarding use of TV to neutralize the irritation and disaster line. But my concern is that if one does that then one faces there disaster and death direction while watching the TV. Don't you think that's bad since according to 8 mansion one should sleep and face their best direction and avoid their 4 bad direction. I am west person and SE is irritation and north is my disaster direction so if I keep a TV near the disaster line then I face my bad direction while watching TV. please. Clarify my doubt. Thanks.
Dear robert and cecil, I needed to know if it is alright to keep the altar on the death line. Second my death line goes through my bedroom and my desk sits on the death line. Is it OK for me to keep some religious picture there since I read some where that one should not keep any pictures of God etc in the bedroom. Thanks.
Dear robert, I am new to pillar of destiny. So I was wondering how come the period of 1998-2002 period of strong metal is considered auspicious for Bill Gates. Since last year he has suffered so many set back in his business. Delays in introducing the microsoft window etc. He is immersed in all that litigation. So many rivals etc. Had to pay huge fines. He is in troubles up to his ears. Can you clarify how this period is considered good for him. Thanks.
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