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Another way to find out if house has good or bad feng shui


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Dear Anon,
Yes, one of the best ways to find out if the house is good or bad is to bring the whole family along. Especially the kids or a child.
If the whole family feels comfortable or at ease, then the house is generally good.
Here, no matter what, Feng Shui thru `our feelings' or sixth sense is indeed a powerful tool. This is why for some people, after `practising' Feng Shui, have since regretted mostly due to `over indulgence' where we often use the term `Fast Food Feng Shui.'
For these group of people, I personally believe, that it is better for them not to have ever heard of Feng Shui at all. Here, they do not need to spent money to buy `enhancers' such as fountains, commercial good luck objects, wind chimes etc..
Many people have done so without Feng Shui by using their feelings. We must always have a limit and put a stop to all sorts of cures especially if they are not done correctly. Many of such cases do more harm than good.
Under Feng Shui, and especially applied by a good Feng Shui Master will be able to tell for instance if the house is bad:-

1. By looking for tell tale signs of too much Yin elements e.g. in the Flying Star Chart

2. Where the owners had unwittingly introduced Yin elements such as a large water position at the wrong location, too much trees at a Yin location etc...

3. One best way is if you do not understand Chinese, one can still purchase the Luopan and bring it during house visits. I mentioned that if the needle goes hay wire, there is some Yin forces. Look out particularly at the North East sector of the house. If the wrong combinations such as trees, or too much water element (Too much water is too yin a condition) can create such imbalances.
Take a sensible approach to Feng Shui at the same time do not expect Feng Shui to be a `mother of all cures' or use it as a get rich scheme. I have seen many instances where the more one wants to `get rich' the more, it becomes illusive. Perhaps the luck just wondered away...
Warmest Regards,

On 10/22/99 2:33:38 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
I read somewhere that one way
of finding out if the new
house has a good feng shui is
to bring a baby and if the
baby cries it means the new
house has bad feng shui. Is
there any truth in this.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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