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Facing direction and Door


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Dear Master Cecil,
It often is confusing regarding the
affect of flying stars of any year on
the main entrance direction and
location. My house faces NW2 and the
main entrance also faces NW2 (same
wall) but located on the right side at
the North sector. My questions are:
1) Is the main entrance affected by the
flying stars residing in/coming from NW
or N of any year?
2) If I tilt the door to N (my sheng
chi direction), still as per answer for
Q1 above?
Thanks in advance.
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1. Firstly, I don't have a good idea or picture of how the layout of your home looks like. I won't know how far or the distance between the North or NW .. the main entrance...

2. If your facing direction is NW2, then, usually, there should be unobstructed areas where "wind" would come from the NW direction towards the home. Thus it is in-material if the door is slightly to say the North.

3. For a terrace house, in theory, Qi or Chi can only come thru such a house from say NW2 or SE2, since both sides of the home is attached to another terrace home.

4. However, if the home is a semi-detached home, then, there are usually three sides of the home where windows and/or doors and or sliding doors could be placed. And for these homes, qi can enter such a home from three directions. Usually, the qi from the frontage is most likely as it is often unobstructed. While, the back-yard area - depends on whether there is another home behind yours and for the side, again, another home is obstructing the qi?

5. For a bungalow home (4 sides) can have wind or qi coming in.

6. Please note that many experienced Feng Shui practioner would often say that re-locating the main door e.g. to North can only be "temporary" since this is not the true facing direction. And subsequently, qi will end up comig from the areas with the most yang (lighting or bright areas - clear space). Therefore, it is a waste of time and effort in most instances to try to change the door.


Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Cecil, It often is confusing regarding the affect of flying stars of any year on the main entrance direction and location. My house faces NW2 and the main entrance also faces NW2 (same wall) but located on the right side at the North sector. My questions are: 1) Is the main entrance affected by the flying stars residing in/coming from NW or N of any year? 2) If I tilt the door to N (my sheng chi direction), still as per answer for Q1 above? Thanks in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Cecil,

Thanks again for the prompt and indepth reply. In that case, the no. 1 star that fly to the NW will affect my main door since it opens facing NW and not the 5 Yellow that flys to N eventhough my main door is located at N?

Just to clarify and sorry for my inexperience.


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