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House Number - How important?


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Hi Cecil,

Its me again... How important is a house number? I did a check using your free report and my house number is really bad... nothing can be done now, unless I shift out say a few years later... The flat was built in 1997 (period 7). I am v naive... If I were to do major renovation this year (which include redoing floorings, kitchen and repainting whole unit), can I say then that the house will bein period 8?At least the reading (which is still bad), is not as bad as when the house is in period 7 (not sure if i can bear with my husband having extra-marital affairs)... Thanks



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1. Frankly, we live in a REAL WORLD. And not a world of make-belief. Nor do we live in an utopian society. Or that we can command nature to do what we want.

2. If we have already bought a home. We have to realistic! You can't change your house number, nor get the earthquake to shift your home to another good facing direction.

3. If you can do all these than fine! If cannot, what can you do? There is nothing one can do, here. Unless, of course, you started by taking note of the not so good house number etc.. and avoid it before purchase. After purchase, it is near ridicious to ask someone: "Hey! forget about staying in this house".

4. It is quite difficult to change to Period 8 as it entails more than what you had mentioned. Thus keeping it to Period 7 home is a blessing in disguise.

5. In fact, the more one worry unnecessarily, it will ultimately bring down one's human luck factors and can make situations worse off!

6. Many people, don't have fantastic Feng Shui but have good family unit - this is far better than any other gifts!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. In my opinion, life is so short, and it is strongly recommended that all of us, spent a fruitful life than to worry unnecessarily. The more we worry unnecessarily, the more... our "Human / man " luck factors detoriate.

2. Furthermore, we do not want to end up with : the self-fullfilling prophecy or from auto-suggestion.

3. In general, for most people, (normal people) who have relatively no problems in their lives... should use this "Human or man luck" factor to one's advantage! Thus, will make one-self gloomy or affect family members with one's "prediction" or sensitivity of gloom!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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