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Are waterbeds bad?


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I have been told today that the pond I dug
this spring(up against the house) is very
bad feng shui.It could lead to lung and skin
problems- well , this spring after I dug the
pond I came down with VERY severe lung
problems- the question is- what about
water beds? i have slept on one for a long
time please

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Dear Jane,
Most users are aware to avoid digging up the earth especially at the East. This is based on the " Tai Su " or Grand Duke Theory. Grand Duke actually refers to the `gravitational pull' of the largest planet circing the Sun i.e. Jupiter.
Did you dig earth at the East side of the house. if so, one way to neutralise this is to use `metal'. For example, if it is possible place the car between the digging and the house.
For water beds, frankly this is not mentioned in traditional Feng Shui.
Personally, I do not see any problems. For the following reasons:
1. One Feng Shui concept is that if you do not see it is not a threat.
2. More importantly, it is more important not to sleep on a circular bed. This is inauspicious in Feng Shui.
In my opinion, presently, to-date, I have not heard nor read of any ill effects on the use of water beds.
Since you have slept on it for quite sometime without any effects, it should be ok to continue sleeping on one.
Warmest Regards,

On 10/26/99 9:00:19 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I have been told today that
the pond I dug
this spring(up against the
house) is very
bad feng shui.It could lead to
lung and skin
problems- well , this spring
after I dug the
pond I came down with VERY
severe lung
problems- the question is-
what about
water beds? i have slept on
one for a long
time please

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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