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Bowl of coins


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Dear Cecil

In your recommendation for my house, you mentioned good to put a bowl of coin atwindow in my living room to improve luck... Do you mean real coins? or can bethoseplastic container fixed with fake gold coins? I saw a bowl of ingots (made from dont know what material, somewhatlike fake jade) which I like v much.. Does that count? Wld need your advice asI hope to buy soon. Thanks

Best regards,


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1. To activate a "mountain star"; no need to buy expensive items like the purple "mountain" or ametyst stone etc...

2. Solid objects range from a bowl of REAL coins to as you have mentioned tose plastic container that looks like a Chinese ingot. It can also range from smoothen rocks as found at the seaside. So long they either symbolically look like or are real solid objects.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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