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Point Value of Stems and Hidden Stems (Roots) ----> Why not Branches????

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I'm writing from Italy for a question for who know to answer it!

I'll be very happy if you can help me!

(again sorry for my bad English!)

I know that in a Bazi Chart there are Points Values for Stems and Hidden Stems (Roots) to determine with a mathematical formula the strenght or weakness of Day Master and of the all Elements that appear in a Bazi Chart.

Now...this is my "problem":

Why there aren't Points Values for Branches?
(the 12 Animals and their respective Elements like Wood for Tiger, Metal for Monkey, Fire for Snake and so on...)

In my opinion we must to consider these Elements with Point Value like Stems and Hidden Stems (Roots) !!!!!

I have thinked....the Element of an Animal, ex. Wood for Tiger, is always the same Element of the First Hiddem Stem (Roots) so maybe we can assign to the Wood Branch Tiger the same Point Value of the First Hiddem Stem (Roots) of the Tiger???

But maybe not...because I don't see this in the pc program that I have.

Can you help me, please?

Thanks a lot if you can!!!!

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Geomancy.net has all these and more. However ours is in-house - not released for publicnor practitioners alike.

Eilidh A. wrote:
Thank for your reply!

So...there are points value also for Branches?

and...there is a manual way to calculate them?

or...what is the name of a pc program that show Branches points value?

Thanks for your answers!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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