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Women born in the year of the `Tiger'


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Dear Anon,
Under the Chinese Astrology website: www.geomancy.net/love/amenu1.htm
The above link has a short write-up of a convent in Singapore that `accepts' Chinese girls born in the year of the Tiger. These children were abandoned by their parents.
The key essence for the Tiger `girl' child is that they are suppose to bring `bad' luck.
Even today, where the son and his wife does not stay with their parents but by themselves, the parents of their son especially in a `traditional' family discourages their son to marry a `tiger' wife.
From what I read, it is not so much of tiger eat small creatures but rather the above. However, you are still right to say it since in the past, many people live in an extended famly. The in-laws may also be afraid of having a `tiger' daughter who they feel may `dominate' the household especially since she (the mother-in law) is suppose to be the head of the ladies quarters.
Looking at it from another perspective; in countries with predominatly Chinese population this affects the birth rate for the year and the child's education.

For example, in Singapore, the average birth rate is around 50,000 births per year. In the `tiger' year, the birth rate dips significantly to below this figure.
The most popular years are those of the dragon and other years animal signs e.g. rabbit the birth rate can go as high as 60,000 births.

Here, some modern parents are less superstitious of having a tiger child and I know of a few cases where the parents actually do not mind having a child born in the tiger year.

This is because, they consider the year of the tiger as having less competition to enroll their child in a `good' school or when they take milestone exams such as Preliminary Primary School exams, it is the hope that their child goes to a `better' secondary school. Contrast this
years where competition is intense to get into a good school where the child's aggregate marks must be higher due to limited places in highly valued `good' schools.
Warmest Regards,

On 10/31/99 1:27:45 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
Is it true that most chinese
people avoid marrying a girl
born in the tiger year since
they believe she will be bad
for other family members born
in rooster, mouse, goat year.
Since tiger eats the smaller
animals. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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