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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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Frankly, there are THREE kinds of luck:-

1. Heaven Luck = often referred to as "born with".

2. Earth Luck = Feng Shui of your home and even work place.

3. Human or man luck = relationship with family, family bonding etc...

4. Often, many of us are misled into buying commercial products "in-the name of Feng Shui". And many of us continue into a vicious cycle of "poverty" - poor fiance etc..

5. A proper Feng Shui audit is not as easy as placing object "X", here, or object "Y" there etc..

6. A proper Feng Shui audit is akin to the medical "MRI" scanning. Costs money but a clear picture can often emerge - with a proper audit.

7. What you had mentioned is like groping in the dark, trial and error "Feng Shui" ... if Feng Shui is so simple... then... we say go ahead and get lots of disappointments.

8. If you need to DIY proper Feng Shui, it is often an uphill task. Not impossible, but truly lots of effort needed.

9. Unfortunately, as I had mentioned; even in Singapore; 8 out of 10 Geomancers sell useless products to us and they make tons of money out of us. Try to avoid these people like the plague! They are attrached by riches and play on one's greed. For example, a three-legged toad figurine costs only a few Chinese dollars but is sold at very high mark-ups...

10. The morale of the story is "Fix-the-leak, first". Be it DIY or .....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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