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Picture of Dandelion petals flying out of window


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Dear Expert, I'm planning to buy a picture of a huge dandelion with its petals flying away in the wind. I plan to place it on a wall facing my main entrance. My question is should the petals be flying out of the window or flying into my house from the window? Really appreciate some advice!

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Hi Mr Guru, Sorry, but do you mean i should place a photo of any kind at the wall facing the entrance or u need a photo of the picture (dandelion) I'm refering to? If you are refering to the picture I intend to have on my wall, please refer to this url: http://www.decorettestore.com/index.php?/Nature-/-Floral/Breezy-Dandelion-Flowers/flypage.tpl.html

My question is should the petals be moving towards an open window or coming in from an open window?

thanks in advance

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1. In general, unlike the huge significance of having a water poistion or a water and mountain combination painting or artwork; an outline of floating petals either flowing in or out of a home in my opinion; does not matter as much other than what is mentioned especially under Para 4.3and more...

2. For example, the Chinese word for the peony flower translates into the mandarin word "fu qui" flower where fu = wealth and qui = honour. And in a Chinese saying " may I wish my friends good tidings".

3. And in several Chinese literature works, lotus flowers were scattered on the roofs of the bridal chambers.

4. In English, the word "flower" is used to describe females. In English to "deflower" a girl means = girl no longer a virgin.

4.1 In Chinese literature, it is used in all sorts of Chinese literature, descriptions and even "affairs".

4.2 For example: flower of romance... to many married couples implies illicit affairs.

4.3 Be careful of what colour of flower you use as an outline. Chinese use the word "yellow flower" to describe a virgin girl. And for example, an outline of a yellow flower or scattered petals may. Thus those who have young unmarried daughter(s) at home .... beware... of this symbolic thing. Thus if one can imagine, it does not matter whether the petals scatter out of the window or inwards! Like the saying goes " once broken considered = sold?"

4.4 Avoid having an outline of misty looking flower as this implies: a prostitute. Again, those who have daughters in a home... hmmm..

4.5 In the past especially those who have read Chinese classical works would understand the meaning of "flower boats". These boats are literally "decorated" by "FLOWERS". Not ordinary flowers but the boat is literally a brothel! And the flowers are the prostitutes.

5. Like going to a restaurant and looking at their menu; such brothels also; believe it or not have a menu list where they list out the name of each "flower" and their price; thus:-

Peony $1,000.00 yuan per hour
Lily $800.00 yuan per hour

and may be (these two in the lists are too old) down the hill prostitutes:-

Old Peony$10.00 yuan
OldDaisy Free! Get Old Peony and me for whole day.. buy me at $100/-!

6. I hope many now have an appreciate of the "dark" meaning of the word "flower". As the word flower does not always.. seem so innocent as a "flower-girl" in a church wedding...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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