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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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House face WEST


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These are some of the considerations:-

1. There are two sides to assessing the Feng Shui of a home:-

1.1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui

1.1.1 Here, location, location and location plays a very important consideration.

1.1.2 It is often said that there are more millionaires staying on the ground level or floor. Firstly, some even have control over the way, their home is constructed etc...

1.1.3 Sunlight. Some people are shocked to learn that simple things like sunlight or no sunlight or filtered sunlight or direct sunlight has a bearing on Feng Shui.

2. This is why in some newspaper advertising; without considering how well the home suits a person say based on the Eight House concept; the home is advertised as a North-South facing... which guarantees only filtered sunlight and no directly sunlight to the home.

2.1. Under this area; even if a home or apartment faces "west"; some are "lucky to be blocked or shield somewhat by another apartment some are not so lucky.

2.2. The worst senario is that if the surface area is unblocked and facing the afternoon sun; often, the heat can ooze out from the wall for several hours in the evening ... furthermore, some bedrooms are facing the afternoon sun e.g. children need to study.. In such situation; how often can everyone affected turn on air-con daily? While a fan does not help as it simply shifts the heat around in say the bedroom.

3. The other "half" of Feng Shui uses the compass to take a reading. The Compass School of Feng Shui has two concepts:-

3.1. The Eight House concept = mainly how suitable the house is to the person
3.2. The Flying Star Feng Shui = determing the facing direction of a home and plotting a "birth chart of the home".

4. Your question, from the compass school Feng Shui point of view is considered vague and a big huge question mark.

4.1. Here, the Flying Star needs inputs like: when your house was born or built ... and other variables such asthe EXACT compass degree : not just west but the compass degree is say 271 degrees.

4.2 Under this concept, it is no use saying it is a "west" house. But rather my home's facing direction is: 271 degrees.

5. If you intend to D.I.Y. (Do it Yourself); frankly, no one can help you but yourself.

6. This "part 2" of Feng Shui: the compass school, you need to help yourself into the intepretation and analysis of all of it. Many do the next best thing; get paid help from any competent Geomancer.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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