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Poison arrows pointing to doors and windows


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Hello Master Lee,

My neighbors recently added 5 awnings over their window. Each awning is held up with 2 rods in the shape of the arrows. These arrows along with their roof top point directly atfront door, front facing windows and garage door (which I use a lot to enter the house). I've placed a convex Ba Gua mirror at the front door, is it necessary to place a cure at the garage door and each window? I'm attaching the pictures for your review.

Thank you,


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1. Further to what I had mentioned; please take alook at this condo's trellis "spikes":-


2. Compared to your neigbor's multip awnings? Your neighbor's awnings are like "PUSSY cats". While the one featured with photos of the club-house are really imposing.

3. It is no big deal....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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These are some considerations:-

1. From the picture, the awnings are on the side and if the photo was taken directly, the more imposing issue is the triangular roof instead of the smaller awnings x 3..

2. So long as the awning(s) does not directly face the windows e.g. if it is at the side much like this photo, then, frankly there is no cause for concern - if this is true.

3. I have seen worse "spikes" then the ones shown in your photo.

3.1 And in my opinion, due to the distance from say your home and the awnings and as the awnings are also small in size, I personally feel that they (spikes) don't pose a huge threat to your home.

3.2 Furthermore, if it does not face any of your openings directly.. it is not an issue.

3.3 "If it is not seen (or hardly be seen) - it no longer becomes a threat" e.g. drawing down the "day" curtains for windows is good enough.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you Master Lee for taking the time to answer my question promptly.
The awnings do face my windows directly as their house is directly across mine.
Would a convex Bagua hanged outside the largest window be an effective remedy
or would you recommend other options.

Many thanks for your kind help.

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